Tuesday 13 April 2021

Shopping Day.


Tuesday is my shopping day. For the past year I've only gone out once a week, occasionally every two weeks, and that is to my favourite supermarket about 20 Kms away. Leclerc is a quality store, not unlike Waitrose back in the UK.

I'm usually pretty good at getting all we need for the week, but this last week we almost came to a standstill.

By yesterday we were completely out of fruit, out of salads, our bread supply was down to a bare minimum, and (shame on me) I had no onions or garlic. So, my yesterday's breakfast consisted of left over roast Lamb from Sunday night, for lunch I had to revert to soup, and luckily I had what I needed for a Cottage Pie in the evening. 

I mention all this because it's the first time I've miscalculated supplies. Even my stock of canned food is becoming low, my fresh green vegetables from Haddock's are finished, and have finally been grubbed up. I shall leave for my shopping trip, in about 3 hrs, with a very long list!

I may be some while.


  1. Roast lamb for breakfast? Noooo! (Miss our trips to Leclercs.)

    1. Lamb, cold roast potatoes, and few peas. It was delicious.

  2. Well so long as, unlike the Captain, you do return.

    1. I don't think I've ever bought so much stuff. Emptying the car took about 10 mins!

  3. We can always rustle up something even when supplies are low !!!! Happy shopping ..... such a satisfying feeling when the cupboards are full !!!!! XXXX

    1. We wouldn't starve, but we do like our salads and fruit for lunch. I now have plenty.

  4. I'm with Jackie here. Don't think I could face roast lamb for breakfast!

    1. On the plus side, it was just waiting for me in the fridge. No work required.

  5. The last time you went you spent an awful lot on groceries if I remember rightly. You're going have to revise that list and spend even more so you don't get caught out
    I hope waistlines aren't expanding along with the grocery list

    1. Amazingly I bought a lot more today, but spent a lot less. Much better.

  6. I often ponder why we are so set in our ways on the whole. We have certain things for breakfast and would never think of having a bowl of cornflakes for dinner would we? I think we all conditioned to move and do things in certain ways and it's not a good thing. Its' taken me years to come to this conclusion. lol

    1. I will happily eat cold roast Lamb, left-over curry, or couscous, for breakfast; but I think I might draw the line at cornflakes for supper.

  7. Must say under no circumstances would i eat roast lamb for breakfast.

    1. Come off it Weave, I happen to know that you eat it often with Yorkshire Puds!

    2. Pat never eats lamb with me! It is a salacious rumour.

  8. Oh there is nothing I hate more than discovering that I am out of something. I'm one of those people who tend to buy a replacement of whatever it was I opened, just to avoid that. Yet, it happens. Way too often for my liking. I need to start making lists.

    1. I'm a fanatical list maker. As soon as something is half-empty, it goes on the list. But, of course, if I'm not going out it doesn't help too much.

  9. You sound well enough fed on what was left in cupboards and the fridge. What about Lady M?

    1. I don't deprive myself. Lady M doesn't do breakfast (too late), but as she's a pasta fanatic, she's never without a hearty meal.

  10. I hate shopping at the moment but needs must as I have to eat! There is always someone who stands too close, especially in the till queue. I usually ask them politely to keep their distance, some apologise and some shout at me. Now I stand in front of my trolley in the queue so that there is at least some space between me and the person behind me.

    1. My supermarket was incredibly quiet this morning, and the shelves were quite sparse in places. Lockdown is affecting deliveries.

  11. Doesn't sound like you'd be very good adrift at sea with only survival rations.

    1. I'd eat them all in the first week, then start on the other survivors!!!
