Thursday 31 December 2020


We've been vaguely planning a summer party for next year; provided that Covid-19 allows such things.

About 25 years ago, my oldest friend Michael came to stay. We are the same age, and have known each other since we in were short trousers and played with cowboy guns at Prep' school.

His visit also coincided with our mutual 50th birthdays, so we decided to hold a big-bash.

I purchased a whole Lamb, hired an expert roaster (Jean, above in background), and sent invitations to just about everyone we knew. I can't remember how many were here, but around 50 or 60-ish.

I bought a LOT of wine, lots of paté, mountains of bread, and a truck load of flageolet beans, salads, and tomatoes.

Jean and the Count Malvinski (foreground above) did a fabulous job of carving the roasted beast, and we all tucked into a Herculean banquet.

The photos are dreadful, probably on account of too much wine, but they do give some idea of the occasion. There were about twice the amount of guests as shown in the photos, most of whom were off to the right.

We were eating left-over lamb for two weeks.

We did think that we'd never do such a thing again, but if we did it would certainly be without a whole Lamb. Jean (the spit-roaster) is no longer with us, I'm not sure if the Count is either, I haven't heard from him for years. Several of the other diners, I know, are also now also in Mechoui heaven. 

I seem to remember that there were two veggies amongst us; they must really have struggled.

Now that we know we'll be returning to Blighty in late September 2021, to over-winter, we have thought of holding one final big-bash. 

We could roast a few legs of lamb, a few chickens, some guinea fowl, and half a dozen quails, and hope for the best. The barn has a beautiful new terrace, and inside is big enough to accommodate several trestle tables in case of rain. We also have plenty of friends who love to sing. 

What could be better!



  1. I cannot think of one thing better.

    1. It's good to have a project in mind... it helps disperse all the depression around.

  2. I hadn't realised you had decided to overwinter in Blighty next year.

    1. We will have to; we become 'unwanted aliens' at the end of September. But we'd planned to do it anyway.

    2. To be 'unwanted aliens' you must be unlisted & under the radar in France for all your years. In which case it has come home to roost! You suprise me.

    3. When I came here in 1972, we needed a Carte de Séjour; which of course we were given. When 'freedom of movement' was established, we no longer needed one, and we lived here like anyone else. Now they want us to have one again, but as I wouldn't be granted one (I have no E1 form), I will be sent packing. We also have reasonable assets in the UK, and are not prepared to hand over huge amounts of tax-money to the French government. People with a UK pension, and very few UK assets, will still find life here very good. However, there are huge numbers of people like us here, and they are mostly heading 'home'. We shall simply have to enjoy our annual 3 months.

    4. Sorry this is none of my business! But I am still suprised that this would be your only option.

    5. The Schengen 90/180 rule dictates the three months thing but you can apparently get round that by applying for a VLST (visa de long séjour temporaire) which can take you up to six months and still be tax resident in the UK. That's what we intend to do.

    6. I heard about this on the radio this morning. I shall look into it when the time comes. 6 months would be fine.

  3. Replies
    1. I wonder if we'll get to do it? I do hope so; we've missed out on so much this year.

  4. I'm surprised to read that you're planning to leave. Anyway, happy new year to you.

    1. We're not 'leaving' exactly; just spending time back in England over winter. We shall still return here, only for less time each year than now. However; who knows, things might change when they see sense!

  5. I look forward to receiving my invitation 🤣😂🤣 ... just kidding ! You must do it ..... nothing better than a big get together and the menu sounds perfect. I think having a few months here will be perfect .... best of both worlds. XXXX

    1. I did over-winter in Blighty for a few years, and loved it. The multi-cultural side of Brighton life is wonderful, and I've always loved being by the sea. I just hope that Covid will allow us to do all that we used to do!

  6. New Year 2020, who would have thought a summer party would not have been possible! New Year 2021, maybe a summer party will be possible.
    While you have said and I forget, how long since you were in England? I informed R today that he can no longer use his British passport to travel on the continent. Fortunately Europe has no problems with Australians and he can use his Aussie passport.

    1. I honestly can't remember when I was last back in England... maybe about 20 years ago?

    2. You will find many changes, not many of them pleasant.

  7. Reading between the lines you have been planning to over winter here for a long time, nothing with Brexit.

    1. You may be right, of course. However, it now has everything "to do with Brexit" when, like in the Magnons' case, you are not given a choice.


    2. We have indeed; but on our own terms. We'd planned to go in early November, and return in April. But that has all changed. Now we will only be allowed back for 3 months.

  8. For a moment I thought you had hired Clint Eastwood (the dashing Count). I don't know about my brother's cooking skills but since he is an Eastwood lookalike (only a lot younger) he might pass muster, or the mustard.

    Hope your summer party plan will come off with a bang. A combined 150 years? Wow. And good on you to have been able to hold onto a childhood friendship. Sorry about those who have fallen by the wayside (on account of dying). It happens.

    My best wishes to you and yours for a 2021 tailored to what you are hoping for,

    1. It's strange looking at the photos above, knowing that so many are no longer here. Quite worrying!

  9. Are you ‘allowed’ just one 12 week stay in 52 or will you be able to leave the country for a period and then return for another 12 weeks? Hopefully security is not a problem in the area where you live.

    1. I think one has to be away for 180 days, then you can apply for a visa to increase your 60 days. I'm still not 100% sure, different people say different things.

  10. What a wonderful memory of carnivorous feasting but how on earth did all those years since then fly by so fast?

    1. I ask that myself. It seems like only the day before yesterday.

    2. Dear Cro,
      Please visit my blog and read the latest post. I hope you will display your special widget.
      Best wishes and congratulations,
      (Yorkshire Pudding)

    3. Good Lord YP.... what an honour. I shall brag very soon. Thank you.

  11. My first thought is wondering if you will be able to take dear Billy, or must he be quarantined before entering the UK? Planning a blowout party will be a wonderful diversion over the next few months! Wishing you, Lady M and family a healthy and joyful New Year Cro.

    1. Yes, he'll be coming with us. He'll need a Rabies jab and some paperwork, but he'll be fine (other than his car sickness).

  12. That sounds wonderful, Cro, and something to look forward to and plan over the winter months.

  13. I do hope that all goes to plan for you.

  14. A grande fête sounds like an excellent idea! The planning will be just as fun, so fingers crossed a window of opportunity opens for you.

  15. It is strange to think you will not be living in France soon...although I look forward to your blogging from England which will be very different I expect. I don't suppose you have a choice so you will have to make the best of it...very sad !

    1. I was talking to a new neighbour yesterday, and we both agreed that not only were the new restrictions ridiculous, but they might well change after seeing what chaos they cause. I live in hope.

  16. When the Uk joined the (then) EEC in january 1973 my (then) boyfriend hired a VW van, threw his belongings in it, gave up his job in London and decided to come and live under my roof in the Netherlands. Somebody elsedrove the van back to England.
    Within 2 weeks he had found a job in Amstrdam and he bought a car (blue 2CV). After 49 years he is still here. He applied recently for Dutch citizenship and has 2 passports now. No problem. From 2009-2016 we lived on and off in Norfolk because he inherited the house of his parents. So we had the choice of living in England, but after 2/3 of his life here in Holland he decided against it.
