Wednesday 30 December 2020

Increasingly Dangerous Fun.

We've been having some pretty wild and windy weather lately.

En route to my shopping yesterday I came across a huge tree that had fallen half across the road. Luckily I managed to squeeze through, but it was still there when I returned an hour later. Usually such things are dealt with very quickly. I expect it had gone by lunchtime.

Later, Lady M called me to look at some damage nearer to home. 'Dangerous Fun' had totally collapsed. Over the years, the trees have grown and the structure has been pulled apart; the strong wind did the rest. It's been there since 2013, so it's served us well. It'll serve us again now as firewood, unless I can find some other use for what's left.

Such is life!


  1. Just as well no-one was playing on it at the time.

    1. We were having gale force winds, and it was night-time; no chance!

  2. Mother Nature has her way as usual.

  3. AHH I'm sure you'll be thinking up more dangerous fun. You've got two little imps there that are just itching for mischief I bet.

    1. We have another HUGE Oak tree that is perfect for climbing. I may install a series of ladders (with parental approval, of course).

  4. You could rebuild it? Unsuitable for burning, it's not treated pine is it?

    1. I don't think it's re-buildable, and you're right, the wood isn't really suitable to burn indoors, but it would be fine for our outdoor 'fire pit'.

  5. Replies
    1. They had a lot of fun with it, while it lasted.

  6. That's a bit sad though, a sign of time passing by and things changing.

    1. The children are all more interested in BBQ's and the fire pit these days. Anything with flames!

  7. It has been a windy year here also. For the past six months we have been listening to the hammering of roofers putting on new roofs in my area (including mine).

    1. Luckily no roof problems here (which makes a change), but plenty of trees down and small dead branches all over the roads. We're used to it now.
