Sunday 1 November 2020


This (below) is the latest of a series of spam Emails that I've been receiving recently. Of course it was deleted as soon as I'd 'recorded' it.

Of the two I received the day before, one purported to be from The Inland Revenue in the UK saying that I was owed £670, and would I please send them all my banking details so that they could pay me; the other claimed to be from PayPal saying my account had been hacked, and that some toad in Italy was buying expensive T shirts with my dosh; I don't have a PayPal account. These were also deleted pronto.

In the lead-up to Christmas these scammers are coming out of the woodwork by the dozen. BE WARNED, do not open them, they are after your money!

With so many shops now closed, a huge amount of people are buying from Amazon (me included), so I can see the temptation to delve further. Don't.


  1. The scammers are operating at high levels. Phone calls are numerous. I see 2-3 such phone calls a day as shown on caller id. I don't answer yet they keep trying. As you state, watching all accounts and statements is key.

  2. Thanks for the warning. I wish these vultures would send out real "Spam" emails as I am rather fond of fried spam with new potatoes and garden peas.

  3. My phone automatically rejects spam calls and they rarely get further than my 'junk' folder using Apple Mail. There are such large numbers of them now that it's hard not to be aware of them and delete. Any real delivery email would have all the details on if it's from Amazon anyway.

  4. Thank you for the warning
    I have noticed there's been an increase in spam calls. Scary how they try to slither under the radar.

  5. The IR giving back money? There's your red flag right there.

  6. If you send me all your banking details I will monitor it for you to make sure you heve not been taken in.

  7. I had the PayPal warning, but my account is linked to my phone and can't be used without security sent via my phone, so I knew it was a scam.

  8. I've had them telling me to renew my TV licence and saying I'm owed money from HMRC.

  9. I once spent an entertaining 15 minutes talking to a spammer. Think it was the old “your computer is sending out error messages”. After playing the naive dumb techno idiot I asked the guy how often this worked. I was genuinely interested. He laughed and said it worked about one in five times if he could engage the caller.

  10. It is very easy for inexperienced people to be caught, and even experienced people at times.

  11. Have never used Amazon and don't intend to. I have put an answer message on our phone asking people to leave a message as we are not answering calls from numbers we do not recognise as we have been getting lots of spam calls.

  12. Like everyone here., I have simply stopped picking up the phone for numbers I don't recognize. If they don't leave a message, they don't get a call back. (Which irritates some). But it is clearly stated in the outgoing message.

  13. I figure if they really want me they'll send a certified letter other wise I don't pay them any attention. And that's supposing the American Postal System can figure out what the heck is going on. I've already not received a certain amount of bills that should come through the mail. If there was one thing you could rely on it was the Mail Service, but like everything else it's up the spout.
