Sunday 1 November 2020

Bonfire Night.

Just as many people have been doing, this plague ridden year, we held our Bonfire Night a few days early. When the weather's perfect; take advantage.

As you can see, Bill Gates was honoured this year (not my idea).

On the menu were sausages, baked potatoes, beans, rockets, and red wine. 

I was too busy to take a photo of the blazing Mr Gates, but he burned very well.


  1. Replies
    1. You obviously agree with my youngest. Personally I don't know much about him, other than he founded Microsoft, and is a huge benefactor.

    2. I think you need to find out a bit more then.

    3. I've just had a quick look, and see that he's given $25 Billion to fight diseases world-wide. I couldn't find any scandals, etc.

  2. You have me puzzled as to why you (or Wills) would want to burn Bill Gates at the stake. I also "googled" him and only found good.

    1. I really don't know either. I believe it might have something to with conspiracy theories.

    2. Do tell. Has he been caught with his trousers down?

    3. No, I know nothing. Every alternative view gets called a conspiracy theory these days. I have no idea what it means.

    4. The fact is he mixes in strange company, Epstein, the Bidens for the Paedo bit. Supposition is that his "Medical Aid" has been sterilising Africans. I don't think I'll be taking any of his vaccine.
      It's only since he retired that Microsoft managed to control computer viruses.

    5. Sterilising Africans? I haven't heard about that before, I thought he'd been eliminating Polio.

    6. That's what we are supposed to think.

    7. More conspiracy theories - according to QAnon he seems to be personally responsible for Covid-19 - or at least he is this week! I despair...

    8. “Supposition” is that a short form for “bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories”

      Well what about the fact that he was the mysterious second gunman on the knoll!

    9. His involvement was hidden by the CIA, because they knew he was about to develop Microsoft. It's true.

  3. As we learnt to say from an Indian friend, he went up like a Hindu widow.

  4. I would have happily burned Jeff Bezos or Dominic Cummings but Bill Gates is a good guy who has used his vast wealth to do many great things - especially with regard to vaccination programmes.

    1. That's what I thought, but some seem to think otherwise. Never become rich and famous; someone will always want to bring you down.

  5. Bill and Melinda Gates have given back on many levels. I applaud their generosity and good will.

    1. He's obviously a very talented man who came-up with a good idea, made lots of money, and is now hated by those who sit on their fat backsides and just MOAN.

      Good for him. I wish I could be a fraction as generous.

    2. Good philanthropists should be seen and not heard.
