Friday 30 October 2020


I would like to thank all party-goers, revellers, boozers, demonstrators, wedding guests, cheap meal diners, Piers Corbyn supporters; in fact everyone who has blatantly gathered in excessively large groups over the past few months. Thank you!

Thank you for spreading the COVID-19 virus around so bloody much that there is now a really serious threat to lives almost everywhere.

20,223 fines have been issued in England and Wales since April, and in Scotland 3,000 illegal parties have been stopped over the past two months alone. So, a big thank you to all those selfish idiots who have managed to spread the virus around with carefree abandon. I'm sure that all the young fun-loving revellers are perfectly aware that their age groups are far less vulnerable than those of the over 50's, so this makes their behaviour even more reprehensible. I'm all right Jack, and fuck the rest of you!

Here in France we are back to total lockdown, which could well continue into the new year. I'm beginning to get really angry with people who think that the recommended restrictions are for everyone else, and not for them.  They're not that difficult to follow so PLEASE.....

Back in the UK, several owners of big businesses are asking for 'No Lockdown'. People such as Julian Metcalfe, Sir Rocco Forte, and plumber Charlie Mullins, who probably all work from nice safe offices away from the coal face, are simply worried about their lack of income. Could they care less about their workers and clients; I would suggest that they couldn't give a shit.

No-one is asking people to lock themselves away in a dungeon; just be sensible.

Lady Magnon and I have been doing our best to follow the guidelines, but it's like fighting against the bloody tide.


  1. Exactly!! We are in the same situation here in Greece for the same reasons. We don't have total lockdown yet but new measures are being announced tonight. We have gone from under a hundred cases a day over a thousand and climbing.
    And, it's getting too close for comfort. I don't want to catch the damn virus and I certainly don't want my husband to get I'll.
    Follow the bloody rules

    1. It's so annoying that we follow the rules and the idiots don't. Look where it's got us!

  2. A couple of very large businesses tried to argue against our extreme lock down earlier this year, but the public generally did not approve of their stance. The rules in France will be less restrictive than what we followed, and generally everyone one followed them aside from the usual, 5G, anti vaxer, civil libertarian type protesters.

    1. Of course big business owners want money to continue to flow, but they should also think of the wider consequences. Sadly very few do.

  3. Safer to stay indoors in France , I wouldn't venture out with the Allahu ackbar nutters, bugger Covid

    1. Very few Jihadis around here, but I shall be going to buy bread in a few minutes. If the one don't get yer; the other might!

    2. They are everywhere. I bet the priest in Normandy thought that a few years ago.

  4. I wish I could help reassure you. Stop watching or listening to the BBC might help.

    1. You're quite right, there are no signs of virus here at all, although we did hear reports of a few cases in our nearby town (where I'm just off to).

  5. I think you are right. We are lucky here in Nz as life for us goes on as normal, but things can change quickly. We feel for our friends in France and the UK.

    1. I'm just back from bread-buying, and the first thing I see on UK TV is hundreds of kids in Nottingham partying before their new lockdown begins... what a bunch of fools.

  6. Kill off grandma and pocket the inheritance. Very handy for propping up their lifestyles and wasted on care home fees. That's what they think.

    1. No doubt some think that way. One can but hope that they are the ones who become ill, and not grandma.

  7. How I agree with you - so many selfish g*ts out there with the I'm alright Jack mindset. Here in Wales we are on a short total lockdown again. We have our groceries delivered and as we are moving house, are busy sorting and packing anyway. Yet our buyer, not satisfied with THREE house surveys, now wants more checks done on the bits that can't be seen. We are SICK of having complete strangers here when we can't have two of our grown up children in the house. This invasion has to stop.

    Keep safe.

    1. Maybe you should tell your buyers that the house is going back on the market at a higher price, as the market has become so much stronger. That might kick their backsides. Good luck with the move. I love your header photo of the hills and fields. I am part Welsh.

    2. One has to wonder how to perform checks on things that can't be seen? Any qualified and experienced surveyor doing a full RICS survey should be able to pick up signs of major problems and advise further investigation if considered necessary.

  8. Replies
    1. People will die because of their irresponsibility... and they don't give a damn.

  9. Yes, sadly it's always the actions of the thoughtless minority who impact on the sensible majority.

  10. On my shopping trips which is the only place I go ,I have observed here in brittany anyone not wearing a mask or wearing it incorrectly are over the age of 50 . I will not tell you what my husband calls them I am too much of a lady (haha), suffice to say they are are old enough to know better and should be able to follow rules . I don't mind being in lockdown it will make very little difference to me .

    1. I do occasionally see oldies with their masks below their noses, or hanging from one ear, but generally everyone wears them correctly. We live way out in the countryside so lockdown doesn't really affect us too much. Unfortunately the virus has a sneaky way of getting around, behind our backs.

  11. Meanwhile in France a family travelled from Sweden with highest Corona levels per capita to be near grandma n grandad. Pot kettle comes to mind.

    1. And they are still abiding by the 14 day isolation rules.

  12. Just been watching 9 Red Kites circling overhead. Maybe they're heading South for Winter?

  13. I read this same post from loads of bloggers all around the UK, Europe and further away, everyone a similar age, saying the same, we obey the rules, they are simple, but then we care about our family, friends and our neighbours.

    1. When I saw those idiots in Nottingham on The News just now, I almost wanted to cry. They don't give one hoot for anyone other than themselves. It's madness.

    2. It's been the same in most cities before lockdown, they party for one last time, just incase they don't already have the virus.

    3. Need I tell you what I think of such people?

  14. I know exactly how you feel and share your frustration. I live alone and am in tier 3 which means no contact with anyone - again - unless in a park or beach - not very appealing in the cold and rain. My son who lives 200 miles away is undergoing chemotherapy and I am terrified that he will pick up the virus. Of course, I cannot visit and help out. Yes so thanks a lot all you idiots.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your son. Chemo' reduces one's immune system, so he'll need to be extra cautious; but I'm sure he knows that. Keep smiling; we'll get through it.

  15. "Carefree abandon"? Don't you mean "gay abandon" or are you wary of upsetting homosexual visitors? Like you, I find selfish refusal to follow the rules infuriating. We all have our parts to play. This is not a time for independence. Trump's rallies in America are disgraceful.

    1. I've been beaten about the head so many times for using the word 'Gay' in its original sense, that I now avoid it; unless I'm writing about a gay friend, etc.

  16. It seems that there is now a mass-exodus from Paris before it goes into lockdown. Your rural peace might soon be disturbed!

    1. I saw the pictures on the news. Parisians crazy as usual.

  17. I will never understand the self centeredness of these days. I am everlastingly tired of hearing people scream about their freedumb, as if they are most important thing in the world.

  18. Well stated. The same is happening in many states in the USA. Many people are self-absorbed and like you say feel the rules do not apply to them. I recently heard, Germany the country that did extremely well getting COVID under control is now experiencing high COVID rates as well. This does not bode well for society as a whole.

    1. I'm afraid things are getting out of hand, as predicted. Just imagine if there's a THIRD wave!!

  19. It is all so strange, Cro. How can people ignore what is just common sense? I don't need regulations to tell me how to keep myself and others from catching a virus. Wearing a mask, washing hands, social/physical distancing is not difficult (maybe inconvenient, but not difficult). Are people that weak that they can't take a little inconvenience to protect each other? Or do they not really care?

  20. In WW2 Jews hid in dungeon like situations for years in order to survive.There is something terribly terribly wrong in our society...the truth is...its rotten to the core and it will take a miracle to sort it.
