Friday 30 October 2020

More target practice required!

Here he is, the little darling who killed three people in Nice on Thursday.

His name is Brahim Aoussaoui. He's a 21 year old Tunisian who came to France just one month ago, to find a better life; at the same time as being a fanatical Muslim Jihadist, hell-bent on murder.

The police managed to put 14 bullets in him, but none did the intended job. He was patched-up by caring ambulance crew; demonstrating (I suppose) the difference between 'them and us'.

He will now be prosecuted, sentenced to a few years in prison, then probably let out early for being such a good boy, who has promised not to do it again. Same old story.

And to make matters worse for a late October Thursday, we hear that little Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the Labour Party. How I didn't wet myself is a miracle.



  1. It should be a requirement for anyone immigrating to France to sign legal paperwork saying they understand that in France people can post rude pictures of religious figures and women can wear skimpy clothing if they want. If the immigrant does not want to accept that is allowed in France they should not be accepted to immigrate. Any immigrant who is caught harassing someone for their legal rights should immediately be deported.ALL COUNTRIES SHOULD REQUIRE THIS FROM IMMIGRANTS.

    1. Assimilation should be a requirement of all immigrants, otherwise we end-up with countries within countries; such as in certain northern towns.

  2. I'm just wondering how immigrants from anywhere are welcomed into France (or pick-a-country) during a global pandemic with millions of citizens under restrictions. Makes no sense.

    1. The truth is that there's one law for immigrants, and another for everyone else.

    2. Which one do you count yourself as?

    3. I really don't know, I'm just an average European. A bit of a mixture.

    4. Interesting taking a continent as a nationality.

      I find people’s attitudes to immigrants interesting. A friend once told me that I wouldn’t understand an issue because I wasn’t an immigrant. The friend was born and raised in the country (parents were not). I had been in the country about seven years and clearly was an immigrant

  3. The screening process for immigrants does not work. The fact that a radical 21 year old was able to enter France and go on to kill others is outrageous. He now lives and should be deported ASAP.

    1. Deported, yes; but only when he's finished his sentence.

  4. The reaction of the UN was to blame France.

    1. That doesn't surprise me. The UN has been responsible for sending terrorists to EU countries for ages!

    2. I have little faith in the UN.

  5. Replies
    1. These people expect to die in order to get their 72 virgins in heaven. Whether the 72 virgins would want anything to do with them is another question.

  6. An occasion when health professionals must distance their feelings of revolt and go about their job without prejudice. Can't be easy.

    1. In his country he'd have been kicked to death by the crowd.

  7. I have never understood why any country would allow immigration of those whose religious beliefs are incompatible with the host country's values. ...blind Freddy could see that it would only lead to violence and entrenched now it will never be eradicated.What were the advantages to the host labour? It has to be something to do with money

    1. Honestly, I think we're just too nice; plus the fact that there are lawyers and organisations working day and night (for good money) on their behalves.
