Sunday 27 September 2020

Just another weekend in Loony-Ville.

Here we go again. This is last weekend's gathering of the loonies. No masks, no acceptance of any pandemic, and sadly not a single working brain between them.

On Saturday over 15,000 gathered in London's Trafalgar Square to declare that the pandemic doesn't exist, or if it does it's the fault of 5G technology, Bill Gates, or Boris; preferably all three. The usual suspects were pontificating; Piers Corbyn about conspiracy theories, and David Icke probably about The Queen being a Lizard.

You really couldn't make it up. There they all were, breathing all over each other, madly spreading the virus whilst claiming it doesn't exist, and amusing themselves by throwing bricks at the police.

There were just 16 arrests! Why were they not ALL arrested? Not wearing a mask in public is an offence, as are gatherings of over 30 (I think). 9 Police were injured.

Amongst the crowd one could see the familiar white masks and banners of the 'class war' anarchist movement. Yes, they were all there; every ding-bat in London.

There's only one conspiracy amongst these folk; you spread the virus as much as possible, then blame Boris. Puerile.


  1. I am quite sick of them all. They will then go home and spread it. I despair of these people.

  2. Don't panic it was all over before 10pm. The virus only becomes active after ten.

  3. This really annoyed me when I saw it last night. They'll be glad enough of NHS care when they need it, although I don't suppose they'll accept that getting it was their own fault.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Bat-*hit crazy the lot of 'em.

  6. I don't suppose there were many true Londoners among 'em.

  7. Same here though it's not matching on parliament but dancing all night in Athens squares and parks. Hope they don't come here for a bit of r&r after all that late night exercise

  8. If it wasn't for the MSM would you know it exists?

  9. Look at the up side, they all get it and die, no more loonies.

  10. I would rather like to go and live down a hole until it is all over.

  11. Over here they make up amusements like motorcycle invasions.

  12. Gathering in crowds is equivalent to volunteering to succumb to the virus and/or become a super spreader. Will this type of gathering facilitate achieving herd immunity? I believe 60% of the population has to be infected to reach herd immunity.

  13. We had a similar demo here yesterday - nearly 1000 of them from all the usual groups - most people would love to have them rounded up but I think it's just easier to disperse them as quickly as possible. IDIOTS - but I'm sure their happy to accept the govt. support money and the free healthcare we'll have to provide if they get sick.
    I tend to stay safely at home on the weekends and avoid the lot of them!

  14. What more can one say. The whole of Wales is now in serious trouble, several big English cities are rampant, and most British University students are confined to their rooms. Yet this bunch of fools pretend that everything's OK, and there's no need for either masks or caution. I absolutely despair!

    1. Not the whole of Wales, Cro. There's more to us than the Valleys!

    2. Nope, not the whole of Wales. Mainly SE Wales.
      Personally I think if you accept the right of BLM to riot in London, and both key political parties and police did, then other protests are perfectly acceptable. Goose meet gander.

    3. Allow me some exaggeration; Just wait another week!

  15. "Where is the pandemic?" asks one placard.
    It's there in the crowd. Right next to you you ****ing idiot!

    1. I hope that person feels like the idiot they are. I don't like to wish ill on anyone, but a dose of virus might bring them back into the real world.

    2. That person is not an idiot. Ten deaths in three days with Covid here. Forty six hospital admissions. All deaths were old folk like us. It's about something else. What I can't yet fathom.

  16. Global science indicates the virus is in a 5th mutation and has mutated to be both less severe in its symptoms and more contagious. That's why positive test numbers are up while the death rate has declined among those testing positive. Of course there will be more cases in a week. Just as there were after the countless protests and riots of the summer, which are still going on in some areas. Portland, OR has had more than 100 straight nights of them. Our own semi-rural county had another, large BLM protest yesterday. It's ALL idiotic.

    1. I wake this morning to the news that global deaths have now reached one million. Very depressing.
