Sunday 27 September 2020

Bake Off 2020.

The only cake I've ever baked was an Olive and Bacon Cake, and it was delicious.

Baking as a gastro-occupation has never appealed to me, but watching others compete with their baking talents has a strange appeal.

Bake Off 2020 has just begun, and luckily the programme is being repeated on Saturday afternoons (E4 1.00 pm). Perfect viewing for damp or cold afternoons.

The first episode has just taken place, and it was filled with drama. There were accidents, collapses, and a few dreadful attempts at portraiture.

Without question the most interesting challenge was the 'portrait cake'. Each contestant was asked to choose a favourite personality to depict in cake. We saw Bob Marley, Freddy Mercury, David Attenborough, Bill Bryson, and even (predictably) Marie Antoinette. All were pretty disastrous, but the programme's presenters did manage to say a few nice things about their edibility.

It's a fun TV Programme, with a weekly elimination. The culinary tasks become more exacting as the weeks pass, the contestants reduce in numbers, and the programme eventually builds to a tense finale to find the winner. 

Who would have thought that a cake baking programme would have been so popular!



  1. Another proof that the world is getting smaller than ever. I also watch the show even though I do not bake cakes and really enjoy it.It's broadcast here on the food channel.

    1. It's a fun show; no murders, no car crashes or explosions, and not too much swearing.

  2. Maybe I should go that show, every time I bake it’s a total disaster.

    1. I don't think you'd learn a lot Doc; the show concentrates more on their disasters than successes.

  3. In spite of your positive summary of this show, I will not be watching it. In my humble opinion, it is a load of tosh and the presenters and judges are all very irritating.

    1. I enjoyed the portrait cakes yesterday, but you're right about the presenters.

    2. Sometimes, particularly these days, a bit of tosh is quite welcome!

  4. I adore cake but need to watch my weight so I avoid all cookery programmes. But I can;t think who on earth I would choose for a portrait cake - maybe David Attenborough because like me he is knocking on a bit age wise so the cake would not need to be perfect.

    1. They all needed to do someone instantly recognisable. Hitler, Darwin, Boris, etc. Instead they chose people they liked, which was not always wise.

  5. I have tried with it as with The Sewing Bee, but they are not for me.

    1. It's a Marmite show; you love it or hate it. I'm somewhere in the middle.

  6. I too don't bake and yet I love this show. I can't really explain why I like it so much.

  7. Yes, who would have thought such a programme could be so popular, shown delayed here too. Who was the famous author who wrote about his South American mother who lived well on just tea and cakes in the afternoon? The Honoury Counsel?

    1. I have no idea who that could be; I can think of nothing worse.

  8. Not too sure about Matt Lucas at the moment, he was trying too hard to be funny.

    1. I liked it when Sue and ? did it. They were genuinely funny.

  9. I find all 'reality' TV vaguely horrible. However it doesn't stop me watching the occasional episode (of Bake-off and Strictly) and being as drawn into it. The ones I really cannot stand are things like Britain's Got Talent or The Apprentice which, having watched an episode years ago, I wrote off as definitely not for me. But then some people apparently watch Gogglebox. I was tied to a chair (metaphorically by good manners) and subjected to Gogglebox once when it started and was mortified that I actually had a (very intelligent) friend who found it watchable. I've come to the conclusion that I'm the odd one out.

    1. I think a difference with Bake Off, Strictly and the Sewing Bee is that the shows, contestants and presenters laugh at themselves. Never mind failing, the thing is to try.
      Britain's Got Talent and the Apprentice are cringe-inudcing. Only watched Gogglebox once, and I wanted to throw something at the TV!

    2. You are not alone Graham. I watched the Apprentice once, Gogglebox for a few minutes, and both never again. I tried harder with Sewing Bee, love sewing and hated Sewing Bee, hated Bake Off, and I also have a best friend who tells me that her favourite programme is Gogglebox. I do, however, like Strictly and The Voice Kids. However, each to their own and there is an off switch.

    3. I was going to say the same as Veg Artist. Some programmes take themselves too seriously, in Bake Off they laugh at themselves.

  10. I've just lit the fire; the first this winter. It's foul here, rain and cold.

  11. I am fed up with reality programmes .... they seem old hat now. BUT, I do love The Repair Shop .... such a gentle programme with so many talented people. After saying that, I did watch Bake Off and thought their bust cakes of someone famous were hilarious ... I like Matt Lucas but can’t stand Paul Hollywood ... dirty old man 🤣 XXXX

    1. I though the portraits were great fun; terrible, but fun. I'm indifferent to Hollywood, and find the two 'boys' almost unnecessary.

  12. Cake baking is so refreshing considering all the smut on television - it's no wonder it's popular. We're tired of being told what to do, think, and believe. Let us eat cake!!! I hope it'll be aired here in the States. I've loved watching it whenever it's been on.

    1. I expect it's on YouTube. I'm not a big TV watcher as I can't stand violence, explosions, shouting, etc. This is an oasis in a sea of smut (as you well describe it).
