Tuesday 25 August 2020

Trump v Biden v West. The state of the candidates.

77 year old Biden is going to cure Cancer, Alzheimer's, and Diabetes (maybe COVID too).

74 year old Trump will continue to build his wall, and make America great again.

43 year old West promises to sell lots of very expensive plimsolls.

And a whole bunch of also-rans (who are of no importance) will promise almost anything.

As USA electioneering starts in earnest, the world has already begun to speculate. Above all they can't wait to see if Trump will win a second term; many are predicting that HE WILL.

It wouldn't surprise us in the slightest!!!

What a nice looking man he is.


  1. Biden, who has so much racist and financial baggage he makes Trump look clean, has been trying for president since 1987 when he crashed an burned after plagiarising a speech on Neil Kinnocks. Neil Kinnock fgs. Who'd copy the Welsh Windbag, Kinnochio, an absolute laughing stock of a politician.
    But Joe wanted one last shot and the DNC said yes. Mainly because they have no viable candidates, Hillary was supposed to win and have 2 terms. It was her turn you know. So for the last 4 years the Democrats have spent the entire time attacking and trying to remove the duly elected president instead of building a new candidate and establishing a sound political base for them.
    Not that any of the younger candidates want to run against him. Losing to Trump would utterly crush any future career in the Democrat party and despite what the media says there's a very good chance he will win. Imagine how many independent voters have seen BLM and Antifa rioting and looting in cities that have been Democrat run for 50 plus years. Imagine how many are quietly thinking they're not voting for that to happen in their town..... Interesting times!

    1. You're right; that plagiarising of the Welsh Windbag's speech will follow him to his grave. Not a good idea. Sadly most non-Americans are watching this election with a 'whatever next' attitude; rather like a whitehall farce.

  2. It is rare to able to elect an inspirational leader, and yes, mostly we don't in theory vote for the leader, and in any case they will disappoint. But who are the people in the US to vote for? One lacklustre has been and the other an evil megalomaniac? It is not like it is not a complicated electoral system, but maybe it should be more complex so as in some European countries, the government business goes on for months or years without an actual government.

    1. Where are the great leaders of today?

      I'm still waiting for the BLM activists to condemn George Washington. Shouldn't this great advocate, and owner, of slaves have all his pictures, monuments, and other references, wiped out? Maybe President West will see to it.

    2. Just to hard for me.

  3. It's not Briden, it's Biden! And it's not Trump it's Narcissistic Megalomaniac.

  4. Our American friends would vote for anyone or anything to get rid of Trump. Even a chimpanzee would be preferable for them.

    1. That's a bit harsh on the chimp Jean!

    2. Don't hold your breath Jean... he could easily be re-elected.

  5. Real life in the USA. Science fiction, playing out right before our eyes. Just when you think you've seen it all. Turbulent times for sure.

  6. First zoot suits and then this.You have me worried.Time for a visit to the optometrist:)

    1. How about Trump in a Zoot suit? No, I'll try to scrub that from my mind.
