Wednesday 26 August 2020

Off to live in Sweden.

They're off today. We have a lot of Swedish heritage in the family, so it's a sensible choice to make their home there; Lady Magnon still has plenty of cousins there, and of course all of Kellogg's family are there. Wills & Co are off to start a new life in the land of his ancestors.

We'll miss them all, of course, but mostly the boys. They're both at an age where they are really eager to learn new things, to have as much fun as possible, and just to run free in the countryside with a friendly black and white Dog at their sides. 

Boo Boo has just about mastered how to swim, and how to fire a gun, and is very proud of himself. Both boys have really enjoyed Lady Magnon's afternoon stories. Above is the Cherub listening attentively as she reads from Stella Mead's wonderful 'Paths in Storyland'.

I have always insisted on two things for our children/grandchildren; a story every night before bed, and always to eat together at table. Nothing special, but what a difference it makes to children's lives.

Sweden has always had the reputation of being a very liberal country. Generally the Swedes are very pleasant people, and of course most speak English, which will be handy before they learn the basics. Kellogg is Swedish, so at least one family member can deal with officialdom. 

So, a new adventure begins. Have fun boys..... and bon voyage!


  1. Sweden is a fun place to visit, I have an uncle who still lives there. If it were my grandchildren I would visit more often, in fact I would become a pest.

    1. I've not been there, but would quite like to. They won't be too far away, so I expect they'll pop down here occasionally. He has a lovely house here too!

  2. Is this the part of your family who lived in Australia?

    1. Yes, they still have their house in Oz. I think they've now decided to be based in Europe.

  3. You will miss them but at least Sweden is closer than Oz. They will visit you lots I'm sure.

    1. They need to settle down a bit now, as the boys will start school. Moving around is fun, but it can't go on forever.

  4. That is great. You now have four grandsons you can drive to.

  5. How exciting for the family, the boys are a good age to accept the change. I agree with you on the story and family meals at the table, it's good contact points in a day.

    1. The stories provoke imagination, and eating together develops social skills. Can't be bad.

  6. Sweet. I agree with you. Bedtime story and eat the evening meal together as a family with the tv off. Kellogg is your daughter in law?

  7. It is hard to say goodbye. You have had a wonderful year, though, with visits and long stays with your family.

    1. And I'm hoping there'll be more visits before the end of the year.

  8. I like Sweden. I used to visit for work and always enjoyed my few days there. A friend moved to Stockholm in the 70s and learned the language very quickly.

    1. I did try to learn some Swedish back in the 60's; I do still remember some of it.

  9. Your grandchildren are having a terrific childhood. So many adventures. They must love visiting you. Hope they do so frequently

    1. I have a feeling that they would have liked to stay on. They have total freedom here, and have everything they could possibly want.
