Saturday 22 August 2020

Pet Cemetery.

The ground is parched, and many of the stones seem to have gone missing; I'm thinking of re-designing the whole thing.

This is where my boys are resting, at the southern end of Haddock's. Our beautiful Labrador Monty was the first to go, then Freddy our Tabby Cat, then lastly Bok our Border Collie/Black Lab' mix. 

Each are buried with their favourite toys, some snacks for their journeys, and a few things that meant something special to each of them. No fancy coffins, just wrapped in cloth and tied-up. I've kept their collars, as I couldn't bear to let those go.

I've just been weeding their plot, and I felt like a 5 year old tending the grave of a pet mouse or budgie.

Each year I plant a few flowering annuals in Spring, otherwise the big stump in the middle is an Artichoke plant.

Not exactly a great monument, but I needed a resting place where they could all be together. They were all good friends.

I think I'll buy some pukka (antique style) edging stones.


  1. That would be a nice thing to do and a future owner will wonder about the pets of which you were so fond.

    1. I think if we ever sold this house, I would flatten it and remove their names. No-one else would respect their graves.

  2. Is it sad to say that I have kept the cats ashes and asked that they be buried with me? Also that I bought my own plot 4 years ago when my dad died so that I can be next to my parents! Best present I ever bought.


    1. We have a family 'mausoleum' in the UK, that is ours 'in perpetuity'; but I wonder if I was to visit the cemetery, if that would still be the case. I don't wish to be buried there anyway!

  3. At Thomas Hardy's old house near Dorchester, his pets had proper gravestones with carved names and dates. Perhaps that was going a bit too far.

    1. Their names on bits of stone seems enough to me, but I do keep having to re-write them.

  4. My pets were buried in a line along the hedge at the farm - close together for companionship - but then I left of course. I had Tess crenated - how I miss her.

    1. I know how much Tess meant to you, and it must still be tough without her. It's good to have them buried nearby, even if it's just the ashes.

  5. Max and I buried our dogs and cats and planted a tree or bush to mark them whereas Doug cremated his dogs and the ashes of one are in the grave where we will end up.

    1. Maybe I'll get Lady M to put me in with the boys at Haddock's.

  6. That’s a lovely memorial to them all .... you loved them all so much. Just a few more edging stones will finish it off perfectly. XXXX

    1. Yes, it does look a bit scruffy. I'll have to do something about it. A good winter project.

  7. RIP. The Greeks say 'live long and remember them with love' which is obviously what you're doing

    1. I have a little chat with them from time to time.

  8. Replies
    1. It's the least I can do, they gave faithful service.

  9. I'm waiting for Ginger's ashes to come back and I haven't decided yet what to do with them. The good thing is that they'll keep--I can think about it as long as I like and find a way to honor her later when the first grief is over. Your spot for the boys sounds lovely.

    1. It's a bit of a mess, but I'll change that this winter. Give them something a bit tidier.

  10. We cremate our pets. Half of their ashes are used to plant a tree or shrub on their favourite lying outside spot. The half is scattered in their favourite parks.

    1. Ever since I was a small child, we've always buried our pets in the garden. I can't really imagine doing otherwise.

  11. I've often wondered if the new owners of my old house used the garden. If they only seeded it over in grass, they wouldn't have disturbed any bodies.

    1. The moral must be 'always dig deep holes'.


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