Sunday 23 August 2020


I need a new doormat that says Money, Shopping List, Rubbish.

That's all I need.

You'd be amazed the amount of times I've forgotten at least one of them.


  1. I saw one recently that said,"Did you call first?" Haha.

    1. There are some very funny ones around. I like yours.

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  2. Replies
    1. Unfortunately.

      My youngest is going to live in Sweden next week. I just heard someone on the radio saying that no-one there wears masks. This person was there for a short visit, and only saw FOUR people wearing them. They do seem very relaxed in Sweden.

    2. Sounds like Norfolk. We go better than that and don't wear them.

  3. A friend of mine, once noting how I felt my back pockets for wallet and phone as we were leaving, would ask, "Got your arse?"

    1. If mine wasn't screwed on; I'd probably forget that too.

  4. Probably all over the world we go out of the house more or less with the same things.I could use this doormat.

    1. I make a point now of saying to myself (as I get into the car) "Money, Shopping list, Rubbish".

  5. I need one of those too. It's usually money and shopping list that I forget.
    Even when I've got the shopping list ready on the table beside my keys I still don't pick up the darn thing.
    And if I take the list I forget my shopping bag.

    1. I feel so stupid if I arrive at the shops without my list. If I arrive with no money, I simply go home, and kick something.

  6. Thank goodness my front door requires a key to lock it when leaving, the car key is with it on one ring so that has often helped. Credit card etc are in the handbag so I can always get back in for that. I never forget The Dog.

    1. The one thing we never take is the Dog; I'm afraid he gets car sick on any trip of over a mile or so. He stays home and guards the house.

  7. I do all those things on autopilot (apart from the phone because, so far, I have held out to not carry a mobile. Freedom is mine.) Trouble with autopilot that you can't remember (not least the "iron" bit). So when I go on holiday, inevitably, five minutes into the journey, I will turn round - just to make sure, consciously.


    1. Don’t you ever meet friends away from home? Surely in this day and age a mobile is needed In case one is running late.

    2. Hi, Curly Club.

      Why would I need to be notified that someone is running late? The evidence is there. I am waiting. They are late. So what? Time to amuse myself watching people hunched over their Smartphones.

      Little is urgent.


  8. I need one at work to make sure I don't leave my phone on the charger. Have only had to go back to work 3 times to pick up my phone.

  9. It's the the keys that make your heart sink the most. It's always just as the door clicks shut behind you that you realise you haven't got them.

    1. Hot tip of the day, Attic. When you leave the house, and before pulling the door shut close behind you, you put your keys in on the outside. I do this automatically. That way I can never lock myself out.

      Having said that, a year or so ago, I had to call to tell an appointment that I had locked myself IN. With no way out. Oh did the receptionist laugh. Well, she said, I thought I'd heard it all. This is a new one.


  10. My OAP doormat would simply read "Flyhole Zipped Up?"

  11. The fatal thing is thinking I must do that, or I must remember that...and Brain then assumes that you have, whether you did or not...!!

    1. GZ, my grandmother used to tie a knot into her (white) handkerchief in order to remember something. It's still a mystery to me. It worked. Let's try it some time and compare notes.


  12. A key safe takes away a lot of the worry

    1. I only use one key, and that is permanently in the car.

  13. My favourite elderly aunt always had a small sign on the inside of the door which simply read "Teeth". Bless her heart. After all, who wants to arrive at their destination and realize you've left your dentures at home.

  14. We are all in the same boat 🤣🤣🤣 !!!! XXXX

  15. Mine would be "Is the cat out?" after a rather unfortunate incident when she really, really needed to go outside!

  16. A variation on what to take, spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.

  17. My handbag is organised: purse, cell-phone, lipstick - important things "out of routine" I lay inside (!) before the threshold, and the huge Berlin key also sticks inside - I remove it before leaving, keeping it in my hand before I close the door (as my neighbour might be away and then what?)


    This is an open invitation to everyone that is interested in becoming part of the world's biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career. As we begin this year's recruitment program and our annual feast of harvest is almost at hand, so we decide to introduce you to the "New World Order".

    At this point, we're assuring anyone who is ready and faithful to become a member of this great organization, that once he/she becomes a full member of the Illuminati brotherhood then will automatically become rich, powerful and be famous in life and achieve all their heart desires and also receive a monthly salary of $500,000 USD. We are ready to change your life, we can make your dreams come true.

    The great Illuminati district offers you a life time opportunity of making your heart desires come true. I believe everyone on this planet "Earth" knows about the ILLUMINATI, but for those that don't know much about this Organization, I'll brief you about it. The Illuminati is a secret society that bless man kind and fulfill his/her dreams of becoming a millionaire, billionaire and also promote their various business. At this moment, I believe you've know more about this organization and there's no reason to be afraid of anything.

    I'm not here to mess with you or play games with you because as it stands now there are lot's of people out there who Impersonate us, claiming to be members of the ILLUMINATI. So the Brotherhood then comes to conclusion of Globalizing this organization in order to help those who are actually ready to become part of this Great Family and those that were misleads by Impostors. Now i believe this is your opportunity to join our prestigious Organization and make yourself and your family proud.

    If you're interested in joining this Great Organization, then contact our Grand Lodge at Pennslyvania, USA via our official Email:


    1. This must be the worlds worst kept secret.

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