Friday 7 August 2020

Oh no!

Really, this is too much. 40 C again today; that's above human melting temperature. Yesterday's 35 C was bad enough.

I'm a Summer baby, so I should be used to warm weather, but anything over about 30 C I find energy sapping. My preferred temperature is around 25 C.

So, this is where we'll spend most of the day, in the cool of our auvent; handy for the Summer Fridge. We'll drink lots of cold water, cold beer rather than wine, and sit in the shade reading tales of Nanook of the North.

Our lawns have already turned beige and crunchy. Nothing is growing. We are desperate for rain; I can't remember the last time we had any.

So, if you don't hear from me, and a small pile of dry bones are found nearby, you'll know what has happened.


  1. I despair of ever learning to calculate Celsius to Fahrenheit without using Google. But I found that 40C is 104F....Holy moly, that IS hot! I hope you get some rain and relief soon.

    1. I've just checked; we may have some rain from next Wednesday. I do hope so, everything looks so dead. We're rushing round with watering cans.

  2. That was us last week. We survived. Hope you do too though your gardenight not. Our temps have gone down to mid to early 30s but there is rain further north and the mugginess is almost as bad as the heatwave.

    1. It's going to be bad today. We shall alternate between the 'auvent' and the pool, with cold drinks in between. With my oldest off to Athens (amongst other places), I dread to think what the temperature will be there!

  3. It’s going to be similar here in the U.K. ..... high 30’s. I’m off to water the garden ! Stay cool Cro. XXXX

    1. I've done my watering, but I know it will all evaporate before mid-day. We might have rain next week (Wed, Thur, Fri). My fingers are crossed.

  4. At least it will be cooler tomorrow. Do you have a hose ban as well?

    1. I try not to listen to the news, so I don't know. Usually at this time of year there's a ban, but I'd prefer not to know about it.

    2. You said you were using watering cans I thought there must be a hose ban. Seems a lot of ground to water with a can.

    3. I do Haddock's with a hose, everything up at the barn with a hose, everything around the pool with a hose, and all the potted plants with a w/can. There's a lot to do when it's so dry; it doesn't seem to penetrate like pukka rain.

    4. People are told to wear masks, but I would prefer not to know about it!

    5. As long as I don't have to wear mine for more than about 30 mins at a time (shopping time), then I suffer in silence.

  5. Dog is being walked an hour earlier this morning so that the ground is cooler on her paws. I'm hoping for a storm. I don't get on with summer at all.

    1. Billy's had his walk. He really doesn't like this heat at all; he stays indoors, other than when we're in the pool when he charges round and round like a nutter. I hope you get your storm, we could really do with one here too.

  6. We have rain in the fore caste for end of next week, but often it never falls here along the south coast. Curtains will stay closed today, books for reading are close to hand, it's going to be a lazy day here as well.

    1. It's not yet 10 am here, and we're almost done. Everything has been watered, dog walked, and both lunch and supper organised. We'll swim, read, and eat ice creams through the afternoon, then resurface in the early evening. Now't else to do.

  7. I think we are into the 30s today which is great for harvest and the east of England.

    1. Perfect weather for harvesting wheat etc. They might even be doing the sunflowers here quite soon.

  8. We seem to be going along with you. High 30's today in South England. I too love the sun but completely agree with you. I love up to mid 20's but anything above 30 is too much and pushes me indoors. Hope it doesn't last too long.

    1. Our temperatures are not that much different to the South of England. A bit higher in Summer, and a bit lower in Winter. Otherwise we're surprisingly similar.

  9. That is a beautiful verandah.
    We are feeling the touch of the Saharan wind here now, a bit hazy, but we might reach the heights of your favoured temperature tomorrow!

    1. I always say that a good sized verandah is the most important room in the house here. Great for storm watching too.

  10. It is less hot here and the air conditioner is on all day. Occasionally I go out because the house is too cold.

    1. It's 25 C indoors here; quite pleasant. I'm just about to go for another swim, but it'll be quick; I don't want sunburn.

  11. Sometimes I'm glad to live at 750 feet in Yorkshire.

    1. Occasionally a cooler climate has its advantages. I wish we had a bit of your rain.

  12. Too hot and too many thrips (thunder bugs) to make it comfortable sitting outside. Lunch indoors today.

    1. Going for a walk at this time of year means hungry Horseflies, and those annoying little flies that try to get into your mouth or eyes. I'm sure you remember them. Nothing is ever simple.

  13. The world is definitely getting warmer with each year breaking records of the years before. Like most older folks, I can’t take the heat and humidity and my gardens are suffering from neglect and the burning sun.

    1. I've just come in from a swim. I couldn't stay outside, it's far too hot.

  14. Hot here in the Netherlands too - too hot to go to the sea (where also are too many people) - so we are more inside, the balcony is too hot, then after 4 o'clock daring to get out... Yesterday it was beautiful: the Botanical garden of Leiden - with very, very old trees, giving shade - so lovely!

    1. Our bedroom was far too hot last night, but we were blessed with the occasional cool breeze sweeping through. It's a pity it didn't continue all night.

  15. Replies
    1. 35 C again here today. I think that makes it 'officially' a heatwave.

  16. A fridge, beer and a pergola. Don't complain.
    PS: if after you click on delete you look on the next line and click "Forever" you are not left with the little bit of trash that can't go into the can.

    1. I always do that with the magic potion sellers, the illiterati, and the boomer insulters. I have lost my trolls for the moment, but their worst postings I keep in my spam folder, just in case they can be prosecuted at a later date.

  17. We are over 105 for the 8th day in a row and next week all days are 105 to 108. Not happy !

    1. You live in the 'desert' where you expect such things, here it's becoming like a desert and we don't. Oh for some rain!!

  18. Hard to believe such high successive temperatures in France, and no rain at all. Sadly climate change has been put on the back burner while COVID rages.

    1. It's always hot in Summer here, but these crazy temperatures seem to be getting much more regular, and prolonged.
