Thursday 6 August 2020

A Simple Cure?

As far as I can see, most Hand Sanitisers contain just three very basic ingredients.

Isopropyl alcohol or Ethanol, Aloe Vera gel, and a dash of some pleasant smelling Essential Oil (mine above contains Green Tea). That's it.

Surely, if that's all it takes to destroy any Coronavirus on our hands externally, then it shouldn't be that difficult to destroy any internally as well.

The answer (obviously ) is to drink plenty of alcohol, chew Aloe Vera leaves, and dab essence of Green Tea behind your ears.  

There; that didn't take much working-out, did it!


  1. But I don't have essence of green tea nor aloe vera leaves!
    Guess I'll just have to drink more alcohol...

  2. Don't encourage me.

  3. I object to this flippancy. Here we have supermarket staff piling up in the aisles, corpses jammed in freezer trucks.....Of course we don't.
    I did meet someone who had heard of somebody who died of the Batflu. It turned out she was run over by a bus but tested positive in the morgue. We have signs on the motorway saying "Save our NHS." I thought it their job to save us................Clown world is what is plaguing us.

    1. My solution to all that is the same. Drink plenty of alcohol; it might even save you from any virus at the same time.

  4. I'm not totally convinced about this remedy but I'll give it a go.

  5. Did you tweet this to the great orange in the new world? It could be the miracle cure that saves him the elections. A bit safer than his last solution.
    I'll be the first tester. Got everything in the store cupboard and the garden. Well, I might have green tea. I've certainly got the alcohol. Aloe Vera is taking over a corner of the garden

    1. They sell big spiky 'leaves' of Aloe Vera in my supermarket; what do people do with them?

    2. K used to rub aloe vera on his arm when it was aching. Don't think it did much good but one of his friends raved over it. We've used it on sunburn and skin rashes. It does help those. I think I used to give it to k also to eat for some ailment. Probably told by another friend to try that. It's sticky, slippery stuff. You have to trim the hard outer shell and use the slimy stuff inside

    3. It doesn't sound very appetising, but if it cures skin rashes it must be good.

  6. I have everything here except alcohol. I will make sure to buy today.

  7. Right. I am off to start right now. Luckily we stocked up on cases of booze in preparation for another lockdown so should last me, oh, a week or so.

    1. Sounds like this sure-fire cure is already quite well known to you.

  8. I drink green tea, I drink red wine, so just the aloe vera then. Does aloe vera shampoo count!

  9. Afaik, hand sanitiser does where you do not have proper soap and water which properly break down the proteins carrying the virus.

    Grandmother's rules apply not just for the present problem! "Coughs and sneezes etc...." and Wash your hands!!

    1. I hope you're not trying to bring logic into my theory.

    2. 😀
      Well, I wouldn't drink much alcohol THAT strong, and Aloe Vera would help with digestion...and what does Green Tea smell like ?🙂

    3. It smells much like dust; which, in many cases, I suspect it is.

  10. You should be a scientific adviser! There'd be TV interviews and everything. Do you know how to look important? Just wear half moon glasses and a lab coat.

    1. I've got a clipboard; would that do? It always seems to impress people.

  11. That's what we've been doing all along. That's why we're so fit here.

  12. A-okay! Cupboard stocked. Ready for lock down #2.

    1. Good on yer. Keep the AK47 loaded; they'll be after your stock.

  13. I bought a ton of liquor in March when the lockdown first started and was a little embarrassed at how quickly I drank it all. But then again, I haven't caught the 'rona yet, so maybe that's why!

    1. There's no doubt about it. If it kills the virus on your hands, it'll kill it on the inside too.

  14. It can be even simpler. Follow Donald's advice and inject bleach.
