Wednesday 3 June 2020

New glasses.

I'm not good at 'selfies'. I'm no good at pouting, or excessive make-up, nor am I much to look at either.

Anyway this isn't about Narcissism, it's about glasses. My new glasses.

I seem to have been having a lot of new glasses recently; the result of both a boisterous young dog, and my penchant for cheap easily-broken off-the-shelf reading glasses. 

About a month or so ago, I was in my local pharmacy when I noticed an area devoted to reading glasses, and I spotted a pair that looked not only very solid, but also to my taste. They also happened to be of the strength I require; +3.

Anyway, I bought them, and they work well, so I looked for more. I couldn't find any. Eventually I found them online, on the maker's (Loubsol) web site, and tried to order another couple of pairs. I came a cropper right at the final stage of ordering, something wasn't right; so I gave-up.

I then thought I would ask my lovely son in London to order them for me, I've done this before and it always works. I sent him a cheque, and the glasses arrived a few days later. He's much better at ordering stuff online, and has all the required numbers, etc. I can order things through Amazon, but smaller Co's make life difficult for me.

Anyway, I'm very pleased with my new spex. I now have three pairs of them. They are chunky and solid, and look as if they'll last a while.

Amazingly, they were advertised as being for WOMEN. I cannot think of anything less feminine.

No-one's given me a funny look so far! I like them.


  1. Dear Cro, please don't let the impolite twits get you down. The new specs look quite good. I typically have 3 pair in the house, thinking I should be able to find at least one when needed. As always, I enjoy your blog. -A.K.

    1. The idiots wear you down.... I've had enough of them. They find reasons to insult me about absolutely anything; even about my supermarket closing for Pentecost. I despair.

  2. Looking good Cro!
    Am I allowed to say I agree on solid and chunky.......and very manly!

    1. I'm happy with them, seeing as I need to wear them for reading.

  3. The glasses look very fetching. I was surprised to see you sent a cheque- don't you do online banking. Cheques are being phased out here. I thought a young man about town like you would have been paying online for years. Good to see what my baby bro looks like.

    1. My online banking allows me to chack my account, but not much else. I can't even transfer money to my account here!

  4. Thank goodness you didn't pout or make a duck face. You would have totally ruined your image.
    Those look like good solid glasses. I like the new trend for bigger frames. They suit me much better.

    1. I usually snap the arms off, but these look as if I could Kick them around the garden, and they'd still be OK.

  5. I agree. They don't look feminine at all. Good to have some spares to hand, although in my experience that is when they are not needed.

    1. That's what I'm relying on Andrew. They usually break when you don't have a back-up pair!

  6. They look expensive! I always buy my reading glasses on-line, one pair for the kitchen, one for the bedroom and one for watching television.

    1. It's wise to be prepared. Lady M loses her glasses regularly about 20 times a day.

  7. They suit you!.I always buy my glasses from the pound shop Ive had them last me anything from a year to 2 fault for sitting on them.You remind me of the actor and singer Richard Harris!xx

    1. I remember him when he was younger. I'll have to look him up!

    2. Ha ha, I see what you mean. Give him a pair of my new glasses, and we could almost be brothers.

    3. I used to think he was the bees knees and I still play his record MacArthur Park which I have kept from when I was about 14..Im 65 now,lol.xx

    4. Rosa,are you getting it confused with the Amy Winehouse song Rehab,as she sings No no no in that?Is that what you sing to yourself on a daily basis?.Maybe you should sing yes yes might do you some good,ha ha!!

    5. Rosa,bless you!.Has your medication wore off?Have you just come round from your sleeply time and in a grumpy mood?.Never mind,have a good look in the mirror and see those deep lines around your potty mouth.That should cheer you up!!!,Ha ha!!!

    6. Rosa,you must really calm down when typing furious and fast because you start to make spelling mistakes.PS,I am lovely!,xx

  8. They look just the ticket!

    1. They are! I'm very happy with them, which is a rarity for me.

  9. I am just the same with glasses Cro. I wear varifocals and have done for years. I use the local Optometrist and the specs are updated and usually very good for everything but close reading. My son keeps telling me to buy myself a cheap pair of reading glasses - I think I shall have to do just that.

    1. Once you know what 'strength' of glasses you require, it's just a matter buying them. Lady M has both prescription glasses and contact lenses, and always goes to her trusted specialist in England.

  10. I've got cheap reading glasses in every room in the house!
    As you say yours look very sturdy - hope they last a good while

    1. I'm hoping that too. Maybe my two spares will never be needed!

  11. You look quite nice actually. Loads of spam this morning.

    1. Yes, I'm afraid that the juvenile Rosa is having another bad day.

  12. I have 5 or 6 pairs of specs around the house...I am lucky that I can use "ready readers" and I get them from Poundland ...for £1 ! Very sturdy and attractive they are too. Yours look very nice . Def. not feminine but I have noticed the trend to much heavier looking glasses on ladies on the TV.

    1. I'm sure I've had Poundland spex in the past. Can't be bad for a quid.

  13. Never ceases to amaze that they can manufacture, assemble, transport and sell these things for £1.

    1. The could, of course be bought as 'bankrupt stock', but I expect they cost about 3d to make.

  14. They suit you! I got fed up of spending on prescription reading glasses so I now just buy them cheaply off the shelf anywhere I can. Always need them on a string though - forever misplacing them otherwise!

    1. Mine hang on a string for the same reason. I've been trying to get Lady M to adopt 'strings' but she refuses.

  15. You look very handsome and sensible in the glasses. It's good to be able to see well. My glasses are very old. I've had several pairs made by opticians since I first got them but they always seem too strong (or something).

    1. Not too sure about your observation. If your optician was competent, I can't see why your spex should be too strong, weak, or anything. You pay for good service.

  16. They look very chic and not all feminine. Unisex specs?
    My husband always has around 6 pairs of reading glasses scattered around the house but when we visited Florence last year he forgot to take any of them with him. We had to buy a new pair in the pharmacy. They are very smart and sturdy too.

    1. I was very surprised to see that they were sold as being for women.... they're not at all feminine. Were your husband's Italian spex very chic?

    2. They are indeed. What else would you expect from Italy 🙂

  17. I remember a post on another blog about reading glasses with LED lights in the corners. She said she they made her look like an aeroplane coming in to land.

    1. I have a pair of 'amusing' Happy Birthday glasses that have flashing lights. I was thinking of sending them to Barry Humphries.

  18. Replies
    1. That's me! Dashing! (My wife's laughing).

  19. The only thing wrong with cheap reading glasses is that their availability can deter people from getting their eyes examined regularly. Once a year for the over sixties is a good plan, so that nothing goes undetected for too long.

    1. My eyesight is pretty good, it's only for reading that I need some help.

  20. I am sure that if I could find just half the glasses that I have lost in my house and yard, they would be quite a large pile. They are worse than socks in a dryer.

    I think you look very nice in your large glasses.

    1. For some bizarre reason I have kept all my broken glasses, I have a big pot full of them. I really must chuck them all away.

  21. They suit you ..... women do wear those frames ..... very ‘ in ‘ at the moment ! I am not sure it’s advisable, at our age, to be buying glasses ‘ off the shelf ‘ ... we really need prescription lenses. Have you ever had your eyes tested ? XXXX

    1. My eyesight is actually very good. It's just reading or working close up that can be difficult; otherwise I'm fine.

  22. I hope that your eyesight doesn't suddenly change! What's a cheque?

    1. I still use cheques, and like them. Mostly they go to my son in London, and all he does is photograph them with his phone, and they are instantly credited to his account.

  23. They make you look distinguished and intelligent. You should consider using that new selfie as your profile picture.

    1. If they make me look intelligent; maybe I should!

  24. The new style is black, which doesn't appeal to me at all, but looks great on you.

  25. I think it a good photo of you, and the glasses look good on you. I have several pairs of cheaaters that i use from time to time. My favourite pair look like bifocals only the top half is just regular glass and the bottom half magnified. Handy for when i'm reading teeny print or doing some hand sewing (specifically threading the needle, everything else i can still see well enough) and need to look up suddenly. Wearing the cheaters where the entire lens is magnified leaves me feeling sick to my stomach if i look through them at any distance.

    1. When my sister was little she wrote to Santa asking for some needles with big eyes. Maybe she should have had some of your bifocals instead.
