Thursday 4 June 2020

Bay, Grapes, Oleander, Daylilies.

I like the garden at the moment. There are quite a few flowers around, and all the foliage is looking very lush and healthy.

The local wildlife seems happy. The birds sing, the Deer bring their newborns up towards the house, and our lone Hen Harrier has been visiting.

My Mock Orange bush, by Haddock's gate, is in full flower and smelling wonderful, and all the Chestnut trees are also in flower giving-off their distinctive powerful earthy aroma.

We have recently had some decent rain (more to come soon) so my vegetable plants, and seedlings, have revived and are growing again. My fingers are permanently crossed for my Tomato crop; after three years of disease and failure, I'm hoping for a change this year. So far they're looking good.

Our 2020 fruit crops will be very hit-n-miss. Very few Apples, hardly any Pears, a few Plums, no Black Hamburg eating grapes, plenty of Figs, a few Cherries, and of course a tree overflowing with Quinces.

Great Expectations? No; more like, be patient, wait, and see! What larks.


  1. Everything looks good, Cro! For someone who claims to not care for growing flowers, you sure have lots of pretty ones! I love the first picture.

    1. They're mostly flowers that look after themselves. I'm better with my Vegs.

  2. This season is so full of promise. May your garden flourish and amaze you.

    1. Thank you. I'm really hoping it does. I've had several bad years with diseased Tomato plants, so far it looks OK. I try to do a lot of Tomato based preserves, so it's important.

  3. So lovely. Wonderful photos of your garden. Hope your tomatoes are healthy and full of fruit.

    1. There are little ones forming, I just hope they grow to maturity. Summer Toms are essential.


  4. As you say, it is all looking good. I am trying to make out what the yellow things are - tomatoes?

    1. They are Marigolds, to keep the bugs at bay. Whether it works or not is another question, but I always plant them.

  5. Your garden really is lovely!.Ive got cabbages,celery,onions,potatoes and tomatoes all done from kitchen scraps in my garden.They are all growing in pots so I dont expect to have enough to start my own market stall,lol..but I will get a few meals out of it all.I wish that I had got land to plant on like you have!.My mint and lavender are growing wild in the bit of soil that is there.My weeds though are the best growers in my garden.They even regrow within 10 mins of me pulling them out,lol.Hope that you have a lovely day!xx

    1. If your weeds were edible, and delicious, they wouldn't grow! There's plenty you can grow in pots, I have two Tomato plants in pots, and I'm expecting a good crop.

  6. I always think that the garden looks at its best at this time of the year. Everything is lush and the leaves still have that fresh look about them & there is the promise of more flowers and fruit and veg. Your garden looks lovely ..... it takes a lot of hard work to get it like that but I know you love doing it. XXXX

    1. Yes, the leaves are all still lush and unblemished, and everything (almost) is full of promise. A lovely time of year.

  7. We only have a small garden, so no veg here, but I do have fruit bushes in big tubs, we have been eating raspberries, and our blueberries and blackcurrant bushes are full of ripening fruits, so looks as if it might be a good year here. Tomato plants are doing well and I have 2 cucumber plants which grow as you watch them.

    1. I don't think I've ever grown pukka Cucumbers. We used to grow Ridge Cucumbers for picking small and making into Gherkins, but seeing as we eat quite a lot of Cucumbers, I really ought to grow them.

  8. Haddocks is still looking like a photo-illustration in "Monty Don's Guide to Vegetable Gardening".

    1. I wish I had his knowledge. I've been growing Vegs for at least 50 years, and I'm still making mistakes.

  9. It's roses doing really well here - the best show yet. Our hot spell is over, so I'm hoping I won't be watering the veg for a while.

    1. Same here. We are promised about 10 days of intermittent rain. No swimming for a while.

  10. Your wall looks very pretty. I bought my annual quince this week, haha, in anticipation of the duck tagine that's now on the menu!

    1. I wish I could sell my Quinces. I load a wheelbarrow and take them to the compost. A terrible waste.

  11. It does look lovely. I am keeping my fingers crossed too for your tomatoes. Ours are still in our greenhouse as it has turned cholly again here amd we don't want to take any chances. Our strawberries are planted in the greenhouse and they are producing fruit like there's no tomorrow. I am having to freeze some of them to keep for desserts later in the year.

    1. Sorry, turned chilly!....

    2. For a moment I wondered if 'Cholly' was an island word! Our Strawberries haven't been very productive this year. I shall have to buy new plants.

  12. Gardeners - for ever optimistic - we have to be or we would give up for ever.

    1. Too true. Although I've had so many disappointments over the years that I'm quite philisophical about everything.

  13. The grapevine, oleander and lilies look very pretty together like that.

    1. That's what I thought. All very lush and colourful.

  14. It is looking lush. If everything worked 100% every year there would be no challenge!

    1. It's an annual adventure, which occasionally doesn't go in the right direction.

  15. Fingers crossed for your tomatoes. What we can buy at the shops can be so variable. This week's are delicious.

    1. We are just coming into the season of outdoor grown Toms... ours, however, will take some time!

  16. Everything looks lovely and I wish you a very good growing season. Your veggie garden looks perfect and so neatly done.

    We had a freak storm yesterday with straight line, 90 mph winds. People were killed and there was a lot of damage to trees (5 of mine got hit) and quite a few landed on houses and cars. We are safe, but another similar storm is expected tonight.

    2020 has been especially hard and I expect the locust to show up soon.

    1. That sounds dreadful. We also had a very small storm a couple of nights ago, but nothing like yours. My only problem was that the pool was filled with leaves, etc. Stay safe!

  17. So green and lush. Good luck with the tomatoes. Might just be a big tomato season this year. Here's hoping

    1. There are small ones forming, so my finger-crossing must be doing the trick.

  18. Both photos are beautiful. We have also suffered with tomato blight quite a few years. We have a lot more tomato plants in this year to hedge our bets although of course that might not work if they all get it. We have also put a few in pots like you have as they don't seem to suffer so badly.

    1. It sounds as if we're both doing the same thing. I even have a couple of 'grafted' plants, that we've never bought before (too expensive), and they are looking totally blemish free.

  19. Garden looks great! Lost all my tomatoes to a late frost...but they were getting way too leggy indoors. Oh well. Last year I had a bumper crop. Couldn't keep up with them and couldn't give them away fast enough. Taking a break from them this year, I suppose.

    1. That's so annoying, are you too late to buy new plants? A year without mushrooms would be very sad.

    2. I could get some tomato plants yet, but I have pretty much filled the garden with everything else. And, most years, tomatoes and sweet corn end up on the doorstep from someone in the neighborhood. We'll be fine.

  20. The garden is so beautiful. Here too everything is beautiful and blooming but for such a short period.

    1. We are have a period of sun and rain at the moment, so perfect growing weather (weeds included).

  21. It looks lovely and you still have quite a variety of both fruit & veg.

    1. We should be OK. If not, there always plenty of scrumping to do in Autumn.

  22. It surely all looks lush and wonderful.

    1. It's a lovely time of year. Everything full of anticipation.
