Friday 12 June 2020

J K Rowling.

I must admit that I have never read a Harry Potter book, nor have I seen any of his films; frankly it's not my bag.

However, the author of such works has suddenly been brought to my attention, simply because having told a basic truth, she has come under attack from the loony brigade.

Ms Rowling has stated that only women who are women, are women. You can dress as a woman, but that doesn't make you a woman. I could dress as a Lion, but that certainly doesn't make me a Lion.

One's gender doesn't depend on whether one shops at either H & M or Burton's; it depends on ones Chromosomes, and internal organs. It's as simple as that.

I don't applaud Ms Rowling for having stated the obvious; but I am obliged to condemn the loonies for having condemned her for telling it how it is. 

What the hell has our world come to if one can't accept that women are women, and men are men; even if they prefer to dress differently. 

Please, please, let us allow people to dress as they wish, but don't try to pretend that they have changed their sex; they HAVEN'T; they have simply changed the way they wish to be seen by others, and to feel better about themselves, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Those who attack Ms Rowling have become superfluous, and extremely tedious.


  1. Totally agree the world has gone mad in so many ways right now.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. This anti-Rowling business is just plain silly, and does no favours to the men who genuinely wish to be seen as women; and vice versa.

  2. She does write using the nom de plume Robert Galbraith. Excellent books they are. I doubt she considers herself gender fluid whilst writing but who knows.

    1. Does she wear a shirt and tie when she writes under her nom de plume?

    2. I have no idea, I just enjoy the books and have nothing to do with their creation.

  3. Yep, I agree with you, Ms. Rowling is correct.

    1. Of course she is, and even her detractors know she is.

  4. I only recently discovered that I'm "cis female"! Identifying as corresponding with your gender of birth has its own label now, apparently, but I hazard a guess that I may not be classed as a minority group. Although if I really wanted it otherwise, I could rummage around in the dozens-long List of Gender Choices now available to see if there's a name for a cis female with a masculine blogger name - that List is growing like topsy!

    1. Cis-female and cis-male are really misnomers. In fact we all remain as our birth gender, even if we have bits removed or bits added. It doesn't actually change our genetic make-up. If scientists ever manage to change a person's Chromosomes, it'll probably be the end of humanity.

  5. I don’t know if I’m coming or going on all sorts of subjects at the moment ..... I blame social media !!! XXXX

    1. And most subjects become as barmy as the next.

  6. Replies
    1. I think some PC adherents just want to keep-up with their PC friends, regardless of how silly the the cause might be.

  7. Agree with Jackie@. I can't keep up with it so have dropped out totally. X

    1. This subject annoys me because it's so patently obvious that what Rowling said was true.

  8. I'm gradually getting lost in the mire of all this political correctness Cro and thoroughly fed up with it all.
    Like you, I have never read or watched 'Harry Potter' but have read her books that she writes under a nom de plume and they are good.
    Maybe I'm just from another era, lol

    1. Occasionally it gets sillier and sillier.

  9. We should listen to every person's life experiences and the conclusions they draw from them, be they black, gay, trans, disabled, or anything else. Except, that is, if your life experiences have led you to form different opinions and conclusions to mine then I'm not going to listen, I will treat you as ignorant do my best to shut you up.

    1. This is not a question of 'ignorance', it is simply 'the laws of nature'. If you are unwilling to accept that, there's nothing I can do to help you.

    2. I agree. But that's the attitude of those wanting to shut up Rowling and tear down statues. They've even had to cover Churchill's statute with a big wooden box overnight.

  10. Poor Ms Rowling. In her desperation to fend off those nutters, she felt she had to reveal painful aspects of her early life - not realising that her PC-crazed accusers won't be listening to that heart-rending back story.

    1. I don't quite understand why she thought it necessary to start revealing such things. Now her ex has become involved, and no doubt others will soon join in too.

  11. I dont really take alot of notice of this sort of thing...each to their own and all that..but last year I was watching the local kids weekly football match which my friend manages.One of the 9 year olds who were playing,was mortified when his Dad thought it a great idea to attend the match in his dress,heels,make up and long dark wig.The marridge had split up a few weeks before because his wife couldnt deal with it.As I saw a tear roll down that little boys face,I thought it was so very wrong of his Dad to do this to him.There is a time and a place..and this wasnt one of them,xx

    1. That does sound very insensitive. I'm sure the change won't stop the boy from loving his dad, but as you say; there's a time and place.

  12. I don't agree at all in transgender (male to female) being allowed to compete against women in athletics/sports. There are some things you can't change and superior male physical strength is one of them. Nor would I have a kid of mine using the female showers with a transgender kid. IF that is the case, separate arrangements should be made for that child. As for JKR revealing more about her domestic violence experience I see that the weasel of her ex stated that he did "slap her a bit". That's what my ex used to say. Nope, mate, it wasn't a slap, it was full on physical violence culminating in sitting on me and threatening me with a broken whiskey bottle to the neck. But even assuming it was just a little "slap", by what right did that dickhead get to do that to her. Sorry for the rant but domestic violence (be it male on female or the opposite) sends my blood pressure through the roof!

    1. I agree with all your points. I did a piece years ago about a transgender cyclist who was competing in female races. It was obvious just looking at him (her) that he had a huge advantage. It simply wasn't fair.

  13. It is her opinion. While there is not really a connection between gay men and transsexuals, or whatever else they may be. Gender reassignment? I am not touching that one aside from it is right for some.

    1. I wouldn't even call it an 'opinion' Andrew, What she said was pure fact, and cannot be denied (even by crazy PC nutters).

  14. She's absolutely right, no two ways about it. BUT why does she have that tattoo on her arm??? For someone young people look up to???

    1. I didn't know she had one. Maybe she wants to be seen as being 'one of the lads'. Personally I'm not keen on the trend, other than for sailors.

    2. It isn't just any tattoo. Scroll down a bit here:

    3. Even in the article, I didn't really see exactly what her tattoo represents. I shall make further enquiries!

  15. I haven't read the books or seen the films, either.

    We seem to be in a climate where stating facts that tread on people's opinions are considered wrong, indecent, insensitive or the like, and that if people simply say their opinion again and again, it shall replace truth. Oh, and if you continue to present facts, the injured opinionated will call you names and diss or dismiss you.

    These times, they do try us.

    1. Sadly all that is so. The louder one shouts, the more one is believed (but not by me)!

  16. Replies
    1. We should all thank Ms Rowling for standing up and saying what we all know to be true.

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