Monday 27 April 2020

RIP Stella 1924-2020.

My cousin Stella died yesterday from COVID-19.

She was 96, and had been in a care home, somewhere near Shrewsbury, I think.

She is the first person that I know to have died from this wretched virus. It brings it all much closer to home.

96 was a good innings; it's a shame that she had to bowled-out by this awful COVID.


  1. Sorry to hear this, it's sad anyway but somehow more so in these circumstances.
    I was told this morning that the virus is raging through the care homes because of patients sent there to convalesce after recovering from it in hospital. Heartbreaking if true.

  2. I am very sorry to hear this Cro. My condolences to you and to her family.

  3. Condolences Cro, as you say a good innings but agree it's so sad to be taken by this virus.

  4. Sorry for your loss. It makes COVID 19 seem closer and more horrible.

  5. Sorry to for the loss of your cousin Stella.

  6. I'm very sorry for your loss, Cro.

  7. So sorry to hear this.

    It's creeping closer to all of us :-(

  8. Very sorry to hear this - how sad. The deaths in Nursing homes has been shocking - my province has had to call in the military to help as we have had more than half of our deaths in Nursing & Long Term Care homes. New rules are going into effect now and this will be the real area of investigation once things ease a bit.

  9. That is very sad. People in care homes are vulnerable right now.

  10. Sorry to hear she died from covid 19.
    Sorry for your loss.

  11. Good innings indeed. I do thank my lucky stars that I have chosed not to go into a care home but manage at home, albeit slowly.

  12. Sorry to hear this Cro, my condolences. Unfortunately care homes seem to be the worst places to be right now. I hope she didn't suffer too much.

  13. So sorry, Cro. There is a cruelty to these deaths of people who have survived so much, to be wiped out by a nasty, invisible virus.

  14. So sorry to hear your sad news Cro ..... having had a good innings doesn’t make it any less sad. Thinking of you and your family. XXXX

  15. So many people have not known somone who has died
    That's why the lockdown is failing

  16. I can only echo every one else and say so sorry. At any age this is awful that this is the thing that is happening now and is so scary for all and especially in care homes.

  17. Sorry to hear. You are my first blog mate who has said they knew someone who had the disease.

  18. Sorry to hear of the loss of your cousin. No matter the age to be taken by this terrible virus is a tragedy.

    Jo in Auckland
