Tuesday 28 April 2020

Haddock's comes alive.

Work advances at Haddock's. Most of the Tomatoes are now in, plus some Potatoes, the Aubergines and Peppers.

I've also sowed a row of Carrots and my first row of Beans. There's also a couple of rows of  Red Onions, and a few salads.

The few remaining crops from last year are still producing healthy leafy greens by the bucket load. We have Perpetual Spinach, Curly Kale, and Swiss Chard. All are now 'bolting', but still offering daily pickings of beautifully tender leaves; it'll be a shame to take them out, but they'll soon have to go.

I've also dug a new patch, specifically for Pumpkins and Butternuts. 

The whole lot has been well fed with compost, and liberally sprinkled with Horse manure pellets. It's now time to cross our fingers and wait patiently.

There is some hope around.


  1. That is one thing I didn’t get before things shut down, red onions was always a favorite in my garden. A neighbor gave me his extra white Spanish onion sets. You have a good start there Cro

    1. It's a beginning. It's good to be back getting earth under my fingernails again.

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  2. There was a time when I was a keen vegetable gardener Cro - alas no more. But I love the layout and am envious of you being able to go out, stand back and decide what to cut, dig or leave for another day, We always grew Perpetual Spinach because we loved it and because it was so 'cut and come again' providing you remembered to cut regularly. I envy you being further South and thus able to grow pumpkins and squash and outdoor tomatoes which are so much sweeter. I expect like us over here you are now waiting for rain.

    1. Actually we had a real downpour yesterday, that rather took us by surprise. After about 10 mins my wheelbarrows were overflowing!

  3. I am impressed by the tidiness of Haddock's with not a weed in sight. Keep up the good work Mr Titchmarsh!

    1. I've tried to keep it weed-free all winter; with any luck it'll stay that way. Usually by summer (when my mind wanders to other things) the weeds take over.

  4. It looks really good. Horse manure pellets? Do you mean chicken manure pellets Cro? I had a load of cow manure delivered yesterday. I will be busy today.

    1. It's a product that is new to me this year. It's called 'Bochevo' and is dried horse manure with hay, made into pellets the size of an inch long pencil. Very easy to spread around, and I'm told just as good as 'fresh'.

    2. Thanks for the heads up. Never heard of it until now.

    3. I have no idea if it's available in the UK, but maybe something similar is.

  5. Looking good Cro .... you have been working hard. After some unusual beautiful weather here, it’s now going to rain all week !!! It’s been so good to get out into the garden everyday and be in the sunshine but we are now forced indoors and I shall have to tackle the cleaning ๐Ÿคจ XXXX

    1. It POURED here yesterday, and I think we're now in for 'intermittent' rain for a while. I don't mind it, but it DOES make the grass grow very quickly.

  6. It's looking good Cro. Paul is praying for rain here right now, we haven't had any for weeks.

    1. I've just planted a couple of Cherry Toms (2 is enough), and noticed that my spuds are just starting to sprout. All looking good.

  7. Spit spit spit. Looking nice and neat and green. Good growing and better eating..

  8. I like to see a post about Haddocks. Thank you. It is all looking good. It is raining here lightly this morning so there will be much relief from farmers and growers in eaastern England.

    1. It's so good to be back in the garden again. I feel happy again.

  9. It all looks wonderfully neat and tidy, and such a lot of tempting veg on its way there too. Good enough to eat - soon.

    1. I find that it's far easier to manage when it's tidy. If I leave it to become a mess (which I often have done) it's very difficult to get it back again. With no visitors this year, I should be able to keep it weeded.

  10. Replies
    1. I love my little Haddock's. It's my pride and joy.

  11. It sounds great and with much promise, but I don't fancy Curly Kale and Swiss Chard.

    1. They're better if you grow them yourself. Rewards for hard work, etc.

  12. I am jealous. Haddocks looks so good. Our winter was warm and our spring is cold. I fear putting in any plants until we consistently have nights over 50 F. Hopefully that will happen this weekend.

    1. Normally we wait until 'The Ice Saints' are behind us (May 11th, 12th, 13th), but this year it's been so mild; I don't think we risk any more frost. Fingers crossed!

  13. Your garden looks so wonderful.
    You said the few remaining crops from last year are still producing ? don't you have a cold winter with freezing and snow ?
    Thank you for a wonderful post today. Made me happy.
    ....you should plant some parsnips the carrots lowly cousin.

    1. We had no real winter this year, but all three of my 'winter greens' varieties are very resistant to cold. Not so sure about the Parsnips; I do like them roasted, but maybe once or twice a year, and it's easier to buy them.

    2. I assumed so I just thought I would make a silly comment.

  14. Sorry about your glasses breaking. Lots of that "going around," I guess. Mine broke, before yours. -smile-

    So wonderful to have fresh greens!!!!!!

    Let healthy go back to work...
    Compromised people,
    Still stay home.

    1. Yes, I'm still mourning my Ray Bans... we were old friends. They're sitting in front of me as I write; in two bits.

  15. That's a good looking plot! Good that you have had rain ..we have just had our first rain in six weeks..you could almost hear the plants breathe a sigh of relief!!

    1. Everything has suddenly shot up, I think there must have been some fertiliser mixed in with the rain!

  16. Haddocks is looking pretty darn good. Such an array of delicious veg on the way. I love growing pumpkins but they take up so much room.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. That's why I dug their own dedicated patch, the plants themselves can now spread all over an unused area at the top of Haddock's.

  17. If you can get them I heartily suggest you plant Kent pumpkins -- they may also be called Jap. The flavour is by far the best of all pumpkins though their water content is higher than the Butternut. They are fantastic roasted with a little char on them.
    You know how we Aussies love our pumpkin!!

  18. https://www.mrfothergills.com.au/pumpkin-jap-or-kent.html

  19. They do look very much like one of the ones I've planted; very ribbed and greyish exterior. The other one I've sown is much smaller, red, and round, with a very thin flesh interior but very good. I do love the Butternuts for roasting.

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