Sunday 23 February 2020


I'm not a dessert eater, but I do love anything to do with Lemon.

Lady Magnon's cakes, pies, or biscuits, may not necessarily look like the illustrations in her Mary Berry cook book, but they always taste good; and that's the important bit.

She made this Lemon Meringue Pie to eat after dinner a couple of nights ago, but without knowing this, guess what the boys bought home from the bakers'? Yes, another Lemon Meringue Pie. You can tell it's a family favourite! 

Boo Boo has his own names for just about everything (as do many children), and has re-named it 'Lemon Boomerang Pie'.

It was delicious.... We have since eaten the baker's version; rubbish.


  1. Lemon Boomerang Pie is a great name for it!

    1. He's a very amusing little boy. We shall now call it that forever.

  2. My mother made this treat, one of my favourites, but since leaving home about 48 years ago I can't remember tasting it.

    Must look out for it, you've provoked memories.

    1. It's a real favourite in our household; but made not often enough.

  3. Boomerang pie cos it's so darn good they keep on coming back for more!
    It's lovely when the children come up with their names for things. Weve got a few that stuck too.
    Pity the bakery one was rubbish

    1. Yes the bakery version was far too sweet, had rubbish meringue, and didn't taste as if it had been made with proper Lemon juice. 2/10 (and that's being generous).

  4. Hi Cro, I love LMP and make a mean one as well.

  5. I've never found a purchased LMP with a decent lemon layer. In our house oldest daughter called Damson Jam, Tarzan jam, the name has stuck, she is 40 and still ask for Tarzan jam.

    1. My wife still makes an annual batch of Traffic Jam.

  6. My mum made a brilliant lemon meringue pie and I have never eaten one since that was a patch on hers.

    1. Right... we'll have to have a competition. Lady M's v Your Mum's recipe.

    2. Enter me into the competition. As the slogan goes "Never knowingly undersold". Though, being generous of heart, I'll let both Rachel's Mum's and Lady M's efforts go first past the post.


    3. Next we'll have John Gray wanting to enter the competition.

    4. I have to say I think my mother's peaks were the best.

    5. On a slightly wider note re food in general and you and your readers may find same: There are dishes my mother made I attempted once or twice after leaving home. They just didn't taste the same as round my mother's table - and I am a pretty good damn cook, or so I am told. Some things best savoured in memory, relegated to memory, not to be replicated.

      Lemon Curd (my own) greetings,

    6. My mother used to make a post-war economical classic. A steamed Bacon and Sage suet pudding. I loved it. It was served sliced with lots of mustard. I've tried to make it, but it was hopeless.

  7. My dyke friend years ago asked why do so many gay guys like lemon meringue pie. I think we do.

    1. So do we straight ones. It must simply be a great pie!

  8. I’m not a dessert eater either but can demolish a good lemon meringue pie. My mum also made a mean one and, very surprisingly, British Home Stores cafe had a brilliant one .. the meringue was about a foot tall ( slight exaggeration !!! )
    Boo Boos name for it is brilliant .... when our daughter was little she called Knickerboker glory .... ..Knickerbok OF glory ! Not that funny but it made us laugh ! XXXX

    1. Boo Boo gives people strange names too; they're often hilarious.

  9. Takes me back to when all the kids were at home. I used to make huge lemon meringue pies. Sometimes they were perfect but sometimes they weren't but they always disappeared. lol

    1. It's the flavour that counts, it should have a pronounced taste of real Lemon juice.

  10. A French baker producing 'rubbish'? Heaven forbid, Cro. My lemon meringue pies will henceforth be known as lemon boomerang pies. Thanks Boo Boo.

    1. It surprised us too, but as soon as we saw it we know it wasn't going to be any good. Far too neat and tidy.

  11. I used to like LMP. My husband can't stand it. He says it gives him the same feeling as nails on a chalk board.

    1. We can't all like the same things. I love Snails!!!

  12. I agree as to lemon pie, save ranking it second to key lime pie, yet ahead of pecan and cherry pies. I say pies for everyone.

    1. 'Pies for everyone' is a very generous and considerate sentiment. I agree!

  13. Home made beats shop bought as my Mother would call it, any time. By golly it looks good Cro.

    1. In this case we were rather surprised, as French patisseries are usually excellent.

  14. My mom also made a wonderful LMP - I've never been able to duplicate it.
    My stepmom makes Empire Biscuits at Christmas but a few years back one of my little nieces misunderstood and ever since they have been known as "Vampire Biscuits" in my family.

    1. My late (Swedish) Mother in Law used to make certain biscuits at Christmas that we called Streptococcus Biscuits. Unfortunately I can't recall the actual name, but it was quite similar.

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