Monday 24 February 2020

Go away, and SHUT UP.

How dare this small-time scheming foreign narcissistic TV soap-actress try to tell HM The Queen what she can and cannot do.

The Queen is loved and respected throughout the world; not least in the USA. She is the epitome of grace and decorum, and deserves total respect from junior household members; and even from their consorts. She is not someone with whom one argues.

This staggering disrespect from Ms Markle is outrageous. In all my years I've never heard of anyone speaking to her like this.

Sadly we are only now seeing the true extent of her intentions. She wants her cake, to make plenty of money from said cake, and to eat it too.

If they wish to cut all ties with the Royal Family, do their own thing, and behave like petulant children, then they should just go away and live like anyone else in whatever country that will accept them. And why anyone should pay £40 Million a year to have them 'protected', I really cannot imagine.

Time to blend in with us common oiks, get a job, stop all this nonsense about 'Royal' charities, and GROW UP.

Dear-oh-dear Harry, what HAVE you done! You seem to be fading into the background; just like in the photo above. There's only one person wearing trousers in your relationship, and it certainly ain't you!

Your dear wife's admirers are jumping ship by the millions.


  1. I couldn't possibly comment (now, that's a first) because I don't follow "royal" news.

    However, here is an idea. There is quite a bit of Meghan bashing going on - not least on your blog. Which reminds me of family in general - doesn't have to be royal. I remember from my earliest childhood when my sweet, dear, ravishingly beautiful uncles fell "under the spell" how everything was always their freshly baked wives' "fault". Remember, kids have eyes as yet unspoilt. And what little me spied with my big wide eyes … well, oh dear. To be a female in-law - you've got to have steely resolve. Though, just for the record, my own two sets of in-laws were brilliant. Rule - exception.

    My mother has carried on the tradition of maligning the married-ins in as much as being most disapproving when the wife of one of her grandsons (a nephew of mine) gave birth prematurely, resulting in an underweight baby. The shame of it. Dear dog in heaven, Cro. It'd be difficult to make this family shit up if you tried.

    So, yes, don't know what your source is, by all accounts it's rather a pity that the Queen, at her age, is forced to face family crap. And that's how I see it. Not so much a person (Queen) to be revered, as a family, any family, who can't keep their shit together.


    1. I think we all respected Harry's wish for privacy, and for a quieter life away from the constant headlights, but it now seems that in fact they wish to keep all the trappings of royalty, do none of the work, yet make pots of dosh from the titles. Ms Markle is even prepared to criticise The Queen when she questioned their continued use of the word 'Royal'. I think their behaviour is no less than disgusting.

    2. Yes, if you put it that way "keep all the trappings" without honouring their obligations, see what you mean.


  2. I had forgotten about them and now you made me go and Google the Sussex non royals.
    They wanted out and are now screaming I see because they aren't 'royals' anymore. They made their decision so they've got to live with it. They are going to end up outcasts from Britain and the family. What a pity. Harry was a very popular chap.
    Wonder how long he will last before he sees the light

    1. It is being widely predicted that his 'seeing the light 'won't take too long!

  3. I feel sorry for the Queen. And all security should cease. They have chosen to go their own way, and that should be the end of it. If they want bodyguards they can afford to pay for their own.

    1. The Queen has served her country well for a long time without any scandals or hiccups. It really isn't right for some young whipper-snapper to start telling her what's what. They must disappear into obscurity.

    2. I'm sure a few 'chat show' fees, and Sussex Royal Shampoo' adverts will soon pay for any bodyguards they think they need.

    3. Instead of petulant statements they would be better to shut up and get on with their lives. Nobody wants to hear any more from them, except Meghan's pals who will no doubt see to it that she meets a handsome hockey player sooner or later.

    4. It's in their own good to shut-up. Do some hand-shaking every so often, otherwise stay out of the limelight.

  4. Haven't seen the "news" today so had missed this. I gather from the above that they have been stripped of their titles and Meghan is arguing with the Queen. I am sure the Queen will stick with her guns.

    1. I'm sure she will. She certainly won't give way to someone as insignificant as Markle.

  5. Cro I do agree with all of what you say, the only thing I don’t agree with is, they want their cake ... Yes! They never, ever eat it though! I know from first hand experience, the cakes I’ve made (fresh one daily) to have just a tiny slice, a micrometer needed to measure. Then blow me down it is just left with the tiniest piece taken! I used to think that means I have to make another one tomorrow! The worst ones are the Megan Markles of the family.


    1. If only we knew what cake she really wants. She has her Prince, she has her title, and she has the heir for her future financial security. The gal done good (for herself).

    2. I think she did well for herself before she met him.

  6. Oh Cro, don’t get me started. I’m afraid that Harry was ripe for the picking from this narcissistic woman. No way does she want to be out of the limelight .... she wants it all but on her terms which was never going to happen within the Royal family ..... isolation is the first thing narcissists do .... he has changed beyond recognition .... I fear this will get worse. XXXX

    1. I'm sure you're right, and the sooner he gets out the better. She has no respect for The Queen, and probably even less for Harry.

  7. A lot of talk about it in the news here, a kind of escapism between the Corona and the missiles flying here in recent days.

    1. I think I'd rather read about Coronavirus and the missiles, than about her.

  8. I sometimes wonder if all the papers and news bulletins had a veto on mentioning the couple what they would do.

  9. Both are culpable. Did Ms Sparkle directly criticise HRH? If she did, I missed it. As I saw, it was a joint statement.

    1. She basically said that if they want to use the word 'Royal'; they will.

  10. I'm starting to think that Ms Markle has played a blinder for the last few years. Her best role yet?
    I fear that one day Harry will wake up and realise that he's been had.

    1. They'll probably end-up divorcing, and she'll go on to marry some Hollywood heart-throb.

  11. I've consistently said all along that she looked like trouble.

  12. It’s a right royal soap opera. Better than the popular psychopathic series Eastenders. Sells newspapers and women’s mags too. Poor little Archie is all I can say. And not even allowed to meet his American grandad.

    1. And deprived of his 'Royal' Family, and birthright. He has no-one at the moment.

  13. I had a feeling from the beginning that MM was going to be nothing but trouble.
    Harry should have done better....although honestly, he doesn't strike me as the brightest bulb in the box, if you know what I mean.

    1. He's not bright at all, and obviously easily manipulated. He should have settled down with a pleasant daughter of an English aristocratic family. Too late now.

    2. Now, now, Cro, careful.

      "A pleasant daughter of an English aristocratic [or at least high ranking army] family" is exactly what my lovely (English) mother-in-law had in mind for her son. Specifically, in their circles, there was the most suitable Elizabeth. Alas, as they say, love is where it falls. And it fell on her son somewhere on mainland Europe.

      If my future mother-in-law was disappointed as to her hopes dashed she never showed it. Once we met she was sold. Indeed, she likened me to Marlene Dietrich. That spooked me for a moment.


    3. My oldest married a German, my daughter a Welshman, and my youngest a Swedish/Russian. It's not the nationality that counts, but the suitability.

  14. You might be a "common oik" Monsieur Magnon but I am an uncommon oik. So there! As for The Duchess of Sussex, I thought it was a pub. Apparently, men line up before entering The Duchess of Sussex.

    1. I'm sure you're mistaking that for 'The Duchess of Sussex's Legs' in Lower Piddle. Many a day has been spent waiting for The Duchess's Legs to open in order to have a Pint of foaming nectar.

  15. D'you know what? Frankly my dear Cro, I don’t give a damn. (Sorry, I couldn't think of a Hamlet quote that was appropriate.)

    1. I think after her latest outburst, nor can anyone else any more!

  16. After all the years of the Royal PR machine covering up what infinital things he did, now his true nature is showing. The Queen did him no favor by babying him all those years. He is a spoiled brat and megain is narcissist scum.
    If I was the "spare" and had all the free rent, food money family I would have worked on/for my favorite charities and cut out a life for myself. But then I could not have cried about how life treated me so bad.
    I wish the news would just hit the off button on them.

    1. I'm sure it will in time; certainly in the UK. Others may take a bit longer, but that's OK too.

  17. It is funny how different the news of Meghan and Harry is reported here than as it is in the UK. The press in the UK has always been merciless with anyone with celebrity or royal status and is often sued. Our press is bad when it comes to scandal, but not as viscous. Mostly, the public doesn’t care, especially since we have much bigger orange problems.

    1. The UK press is very supportive of those royals who behave themselves, but has huge fun with those who don't.

    2. The British people and the press care about the Queen, and MM cannot tread on the Queen. that's why, SO AC M. 0

  18. Very disappointed in the Duchess of S. The Queen has lived almost three lifetimes as has Meghan, helped guide her country through WWII; etcetcetc. I think she should just raise her two little boys and keep her mouth to herself.

  19. I think the Duchess is a narcissist and is leading her hubby way off course. I can't figure out what she wants; they could have remained as Royals and built a nice life, doing lots of charity work, etc.

  20. The disrespect she has shown towards The Queen is outrageous.I imagine this narcissistic, manipulative twit had this planned all along. She should shut up and concentrate on being a mother to Archie who no doubt spends more time with his nanny. On a more pleasant note, I really enjoy your blog Cro! :)

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