Wednesday 26 February 2020

Fosse bloody Septique.

It's one of those things that happen when you live out in the countryside; occasionally the Septic Tank needs to be emptied; and, boy, ours really did!

It's never a pleasant operation, but yesterday it simply had to be done. I won't go into details.

The man was very efficient, and insisted on practicing his English; we, of course, replied in French.

The amusing illustration on the side of his cab says, 'Call us before it really hurts'. Wise words which we'd ignored.

We now have a squeaky clean fosse septique that you could eat your breakfast from (if indeed you wished to).

To add to our pain.... having had a week of perfect weather, yesterday when we really needed some sunshine, it was pouring.


  1. The illustration is indeed amusing !

    1. It made the whole operation a little more bearable.

  2. Yes, it is something that needs doing before it is absolutely necessary.

  3. "....yesterday when we really needed some sunshine, it was pouring."
    Invocation of The Law of Sod....
    It will teem it down on Monday next.... we have a load of interior plywood being delivered!!

    1. Tell them to deliver it last week!! Typical ain't it; just when you want it to be dry, it rains.

  4. A nasty childhood memory I would rather forget.

    1. One of the disadvantages of living way out in the countryside.

  5. Since you didn't go into detail my imagination got carried away as to repercussions if leaving it "too late". Several scenarios presenting themselves. Also brings back a rather painful memory - not that long ago. I was a whisker away from falling into an open sewer. Can you imagine drowning in shit? And what "cause of death" would look like on your death certificate, your obituary? It still makes me shudder what a lucky escape I had. And the SMELL!

    How often should, or rather does, your septic tank get emptied? Do you have to pay for it?


    1. Every couple of years maybe? It cost about €250. When I was at Prep' school, a boy found a dog that had fallen in an open sewer; he rescued the dog, then we had to rescue him. He was in a terrible state, covered from head to foot.

  6. Visitors. That would be it. Sue and I were discussing septic tanks yesterday, coincidentally. A fact of life of living in the countryside.

    1. Too many people in the house who don't respect the rules. I just knew we'd have problems; and we did.

  7. Oh boy do I know about overflowing septic tanks! The stink and the hassle. The liquid (only) on the top makes very good manure for your trees.
    When I worked at a swimming pool many years ago the truck would be called in once a month. Tourists would be sitting a few yards away, not moving, drinking their Pina coladas. Weird, not too mention horrid.
    The sewage guy (like our undertaker) was a laugh a minute and I would make him a sandwich while it emptied. He was used to the stench

    1. Our guy yesterday was very nice. Once he'd removed all his protective gear, he was very jovial, and we enjoyed a coffee together.

  8. This is really the kind of problem that can only be ignored to a certain extent.

    1. Sadly, yes. This morning I have to put it all back together again, and it's still raining. It'll have to wait.

  9. Too much rain here means I'm having to have my fosse septique pumped out for the second time in 6 months.

    1. Too many showers, and loo flushing here; it couldn't cope.

  10. When being paid by cheque our driver used to say that if the cheque bounced he would bring the collection back!

    1. Our man gave us a 'paid in cash' signed receipt. He said that if he ran away to Mexico with it, we wouldn't have to pay twice.

  11. Back in the day (a term I have never really understood) a friend who visited us for a rather long stay flushed her sanitary tampons down the loo and blocked the pipe down to our fosse septique. I had to rod the vent pipe before I did anything else and on so doing a massive jet of excrement blew up into the air and landed all over me. To say that I was less than happy is an understatement.

    1. Townies have very little idea of the workings of such things. They empty everything down the loo (including pans of Chip Oil), and couldn't care less what happens after the flush. Not their problem!

    2. Well, Cro, depends. If it's their property they'll soon realize the error of their ways when having to pay a plumber's exorbitant bill to sort the inevitable clog-ups.

      Graham, there is a (relatively) new curse, not least in restaurant loos. The "wipe". No, not toilet paper. Wipes. Wipes that people will bring with them. Flush. Give it time. Enjoy overflow. Call plumber. Weep. Put up sign (in hope your customers pay any attention): DO NOT FLUSH WIPES. Weep some more. Put up prices (for the food - to pay the plumber).


  12. We have put up a little notice in our guest bathroom explaining about our septic tank.
    Ours hasn't required emptying for quite some time, now I come to think if it. I hope it hasn't sprung a leak.

    1. We had an official inspection about two years ago. They gave us an OK certificate, but said it would have to be replaced before we could sell (which we have no intention to do).

  13. Our niece lives on a Dutch barge and I should think the process is a bit of an ordeal being on the water ( or maybe it’s easier ) I know she told me that a boat comes along every so often and empties it !!! I am quite pleased that I don’t have that problem ! XXXX

    1. And what would you like to do when you leave school, Jimmy? Empty septic tanks, Miss!

  14. I remember that when we were children and visiting our country relatives who lived in a farm area and my sister fell thru the septic area. For once, I was not the person who got in trouble. It is a story that everyone remembers and brings up whenever the whole family gets together. Some stories never die.

    1. A tale worthy of re-telling. Everyone loves a story about people falling into septic tanks.

  15. Septic tanks - the bane of folks' lives out in the country Luckily the farmer had all the equipment to keep ours squeaky clean - now I am on mains drains.

    1. The newer systems are much better than ours. Our one is about 40 years old, fiberglass, and probably too small. We can't face all the disruption of changing it.

  16. As the owner of a septic system for thirty odd years, I think a rainy day would dispense of the smell much sooner than sunshine.

    1. M Garrigue was very efficient, and very little 'pong'. The last time we did the same thing we had a local farmer empty it, and the stink lingered for days.

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