Thursday 27 February 2020

A simple test.

"I think I know No 4. Is it a hole filled with water"?

Ms Markle has been Duchess of Sussex for several months, so here is an easy test to see how well she knows her duchy.

1. What are the County Towns of East and West Sussex?
2. Where is the best place to live in East Sussex?
3. Which is the best country Pub' nearest to Lewes?
4. What is Sussex Pond?
5. Who built the Brighton Pavilion?
6. Where is the home ground of Sussex Cricket?
7. Where does The Duke of Norfolk live?
8. Where is the traditional epicentre of The Garden of Eden?
9. What famous girls school is to be found on the Sussex coast?
10. Who is one of the best painters to come from Sussex?
11. What is the name of the Sussex forest where Winnie the Pooh lives?
12. Where did Hilaire Belloc live?

Scores. 10/10 she cheated. 5/10 someone helped her. 0/10 that sounds right.

Please don't show her the answers, but here they are. 1, Lewes and Chichester. 2. Brighton. 3. The Shepherd and Dog, Fulking. 4. A steamed Suet pudding containing butter and a whole Lemon. 5. The Prince Regent, the future George IV. 6. Hove. 7. Arundel. 8. Chanctonbury Ring. 9. Roedean. 10. Cro Magnon. 11. Ashdown Forest. 12. Shipley.


  1. I am sorry to say that I got 2, 3, 8, 12 wrong but had a lucky guess on 10.

    1. Well done, but the quiz was really for Ms Markle (if she looks at this page).

  2. Replies
    1. It's the one place you'll never find The Duchess.

  3. Her father commented recently that her smile does not look right to him. I see what he means from the photograph you have chosen.

    1. It's that 'I'm the centre of attention' look that Harry's mother developed.

  4. and others have got it in for her....I am sure there are far more interesting things going on Chez Cro...

    1. More disappointed in her; like everyone else. Unfortunately she's big news at the moment; I just wish she'd remain quiet.

    2. Not for the first time do I agree with GZ. I don't get the bashing of either Meghan or her RIP mother-in-law Diana at all.

      Anyway, you, Cro, will be pleased to know that I got 10 right. Though was slightly thrown off course because I thought you originate from deepest Surrey. And yes, I know, Brighton is in Sussex . . . Please do put me out of my misery.


    3. I fail to see why GZ bothers to stop by to say anything. If the subject does not interest her then I think she would be more respected if she passed the blog by for today. Others will and be much better people for it.

    4. I don't wish to start a bun fight, Rachel, myself being more experienced with pillows and cushions. However, don't you think it ok and useful, not least in the interest of the original blogger (in this case good old idiosyncratic Cro), of questioning an opinion put forward?


    5. From some people yes. Bloggers who share. There are others who hover around and I think, no.

    6. Underneath the heading to this page, you will read 'A diverse offering twixt the interesting, the unusual, and the amusing'. I try to keep it as thus; in this case the 'amusing'. This is just a bit of FUN.

    7. Yes, Cro, but what about my question re your upbringing in Surrey? Am I mistaken?


    8. Very close to the Sussex border, but I've lived more in Sussex than Surrey. They are 'twin' counties.

    9. By the way gz, I've just re-read my piece, and I can't see anything in there that suggests 'I've got it in for her'. I don't particularly like the gal, but most of the UK probably feels the same.

  5. Jet setter Harry setting up holiday company for low emissions enviro friendly travellers. ��

    1. I wonder if he's receiving a 'fee' for his patronage?

    2. They hypocrisy of it beggars belief.

  6. God save her if she doesn't know the answer to no 10!
    Sussex is well remembered by me I would guess everyone else at my High school during the seventies. 'sussex by the sea' was a weekly hymn we sang at school assembly with the 'sus' scribbled out naturally.

    1. Even she should know the answer to No 10. The last time I sang that song was at a Brighton Football match; it was their anthem.

  7. We could set a similar test for the Duke of York.

    1. The Grand old Dook? I can't, for the life of me, think of any!

  8. As I can't name any other painters from Sussex I'll take the answer to no 10 as true, lol

  9. I adore Pond Pudding - haven't had one for years - now I crave one and could definitely eat it all myself.

    1. The last time I had one it was far too sweet, but I think the maker had the recipe wrong (not Lady M); otherwise they are very good.

  10. Wish I knew 3 and 4.
    5, 8, 10 and 11 i got right !
    I want to eat something called Sussex Pond ! If Weaver likes it I know I would also.

    1. It's a rather strange sounding pud', just halve the amount of sugar it says.

  11. Just as well then that she was deported.

    1. I believe she's trying to get back in again for some ceremony; perhaps she should go into quarantine for a month first!

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  13. I thought that Sussex was what happened when you took a woman called Susan home.
