Saturday 18 January 2020

Travellers fly-tipping TONS of household and building waste on Tesco car park.

I suppose there are two things that I hate almost more than anything else; cruelty to animals, and fly-tipping.

For those who are unaware, the UK has two lots of laws; one for those who live 'regular lives', and another for 'travellers'.

I don't know quite why it should be, but 'travellers' seem incapable of pitching camp on any village green, cricket ground, or supermarket car park, without leaving behind an unbelievable amount of rubbish.

They stop wherever they please, behave like pigs, and dump vast amounts of rubbish.

If I had my way, this bastard below would be strung-up by his 'nuts'.

What a disgusting individual.


  1. It's really something very annoying.

    1. It's disgusting. Why can't they simply go to the local dump, like everyone else?

    2. Because they'd have to pay....

  2. Why on earth aren't they prosecuted? Are they untouchable for some reason?

  3. The whole question of Travellers is a thorny one. For a short while Travellers moved into a lovely house "next door" to me (complicated story). Within weeks the place was a midden and over the next year or so before it was sold and they moved back to England life became pretty hellish in terms of the midden created and the comings and goings of people all through the night apparently buying and selling 'stuff'. Having said that they were unfailingly nice to me and their "children" were, towards me, amongst the politest that I've met.

    1. I was once threatened by a big burly 'traveller' who moved onto a small field at the bottom of our Shropshire garden. He meant business too! The place soon became a tip.

  4. Recently we've had travelers on Hove lawns and up the Dyke and each time they have left rubbish, no wonder people get angry with them.

    1. There are plenty of designated sites around too. I know of one at the back of Shoreham airport; I'm sure there are others.

  5. It's an impossible situation if the police are too scared to take action.

    1. I often think it would be better to block them IN, rather than try to get them OUT. Only release them when they've cleared-up, and paid their fines; otherwise crush everything.

  6. The Race Relations Act and the Civil Rights Act are heavily loaded in favour of travellers and travellers know this.

    1. One law for us, another for travellers. It's a disgrace.

  7. Ha! Call yourself a traveller and you can do anything! And they're not a 'race', just a bunch dropouts who seem to be above the law. Anyone can get a white van and call themselves a traveller.

  8. It used to be in certain northern towns that police used to impound their unroadworthy vehicles. I’ve known of vans and trucks being put through the crusher or ‘lost’. Wouldn’t be allowed today I don’t suppose.

    1. I don't think they ever have tax or insurance.... they're a law unto themselves.

  9. It is yet another example of the police being worse than useless. They are not afraid of upsetting the travellers, they are just afraid of them. Full stop. They bend the laws which apply to the traditional Gypsies way of life in order to avoid confrontation, then say that their hands are tied.

    1. They do tend to be extremely aggressive (as I've experienced myself), so I'm not exactly surprised that you say they're afraid of them.

    2. They have degenerated into an utterly A-moral bunch of social misfits who give real Gypsies a very bad name. Over a few generations, they have turned into proper outlaws.

    3. The laws I referred to earlier apply to Gypsies and Ethnic Travellers which takes in Irish Travellers.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. The law is being changed shortly on trespass and the liability of those trespassing.

    1. To allow them more leeway, or to stop them? Maybe they should toughen-up the laws about fly-tipping at the same time.

  11. A group of travellers cut through a chain and set up camp on a farmer's field near here not long ago. When they refused to move the farmer came back with some friends and their muck spreader and hosed them all down. They didn't stay long after that. But to be fair, one time I ran out of petrol on a busy road with 2 young kids in the car and it was travellers who stopped and helped me. Also, just near here, a landowner lets travellers park on his field for about a week two times a year every year - and they always leave it spotless. You win some, you lose some I guess!

    1. I'm sure there are plenty of decent ones amongst the bad, but they really need to get their acts together, and change their attitude.

  12. As Treaders says above - they are not all that way. We get them through here on their way to the Appleby Horse Fair and some leave their overnight stays neat and tidy. Sadly a few get the lot a bad name.

    1. Appleby is mostly for Gypsies, who are a very different group. The white van and caravan traveller is a messy bogger. We have the same phenomenon here; but they stay a while, move on, and leave no mess at all.

    2. Tell your comment to the people of Appleby Weave.


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