Friday 17 January 2020

Labour Leadership.

I must admit to having become quite perturbed that the Socialists were going to elect a new leader who might actually have brought them back from the wilderness. For a while Sir Keir Starmer looked to be leading the list of hopefuls, and it seemed as if common sense had prevailed; not something we expect from Labour.

Luckily, dear reader, I now hear that Rebecca Long-Bailey has crept into a 5 point lead, and it's back to normal. 

A die-hard Corbynite (she's backed by Momentum, John McDonnell, and Diane Abbott), if elected she will follow the same crack-pot policies of her predecessor; many of which she herself devised for their last year's Party Manifesto. She might have nicer hair than Corbyn, but her crazy version of hard-left Marxism/Socialism is exactly the same.

Phew; for one nasty moment I thought they were trying to make themselves electable again.... thank heavens I was wrong!

I do hope she wins the leadership race. Don't let me down Rebecca!


  1. Whichever side, I like to see an electable opposition party to prevent arrogance and complacency.

    1. Absolutely, but currently the UK doesn't have one. It needs a real shake-up; but no Marxists please!

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  2. Starmer is lacking charisma and was not very good as director of the CPS unless one was a muslim rapist that is.
    Long Bailey would be unelectable as Corbyn. As always with the left the answer is more socialism.

    1. She would be a good choice. Totally unelectable, and fodder for Boris at PMQ's.

  3. So much better for Labour than Lady Nugee.

    1. She was on TV this morning wearing some very bizarre outfit, I thought she might have added a some amusement; a bit like Foot and his Donkey Jacket.

  4. Who will be their next garden gnome? That is a question. There's no way back. Tony 'man of the people' Blair who sealed it with a kiss.

    1. I think Abbot would be a good 'mascot'. She represents all that is 'Labour'; a lack of numeracy, wears odd shoes, and has a son who was privately educated. Perfect.

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