Sunday 8 December 2019

Rat's Teeth.

Lady Magnon managed to find these whilst out walking with Billy yesterday. She said they were half-hidden beneath moss.

They are Hedgehog Mushrooms; known here in France as Dents de Rat, Pied de Mouton, or Langue de Chat/Vache, and here in Périgord as Barbissou.

They are very distinctive with the underside having tiny teeth-like 'stalactites' instead of gills or pores.

Fried with butter garlic and parsley, they go with almost anything. If cooked with Chicken they take on its flavour giving the impression of having twice the amount of Chicken. They're a good 'all-purpose' mushroom.

They are one of Lady M's favourites... I still haven't found any myself this year, and, of course, she keeps reminding me of the fact!

We ate the above last night with some Pork chops and baked potatoes; delicious.


  1. I wonder why there are so many names for one mushroom.

    1. I expect they're all 'local' names. The one I didn't know about was our own local name of 'Barbissou', which I imagine has something to do with beards. I shall call them Barbissou from now on.

  2. They are very good mushrooms. I find them occasionally.

    1. Usually when you find one, you find a whole row of them; at least that's how they grow here.

  3. I like my mushrooms on toast for tea, fried in a little butter, lots of garlic and parsley and with flour and milk added to make a nice sauce - oh and done forget the seasoning

    1. You would have liked these on toast; we had them on baked potatoes. Lovely flavour.

  4. What is that thing that looks like a hand grenade next to the plate?

    1. It's a Pine cone from our Parasol Pine trees. It's the Pine tree that produces Pine Nuts, although I think ours will take a few years yet. It's a very nice object.

  5. I have never picked mushrooms without supervision. I used to love going mushrooming in the forest of Heiligensee in Berlin and coming back and having wonderful mushroom dishes. Having said that I've just made four litres of mushroom soup. I added lots of dried wild mushrooms (from Waitrose but available even in out local Coop - the largest in Scotland) which gives it a lovely rich flavour.

    1. I always dry Cepes when I can (we had none this year), and they do make a huge difference to Winter soups, stews, risottos, etc. Happily, I have plenty in store.

  6. I’ve seen them but never picked them. Mrs G has her own small list I’m allowed to pick from and unfortunately the 🐀 s teeth are not on it👮🏻‍♀️!

    1. Add them to the list Gwil, they're very good; and you can't mistake them for anything else.

  7. I envy your ability to find mushrooms like these. Just

    1. We limit our gathering to about 6 varieties that we know VERY well. I take no chances; although very few mushrooms are poisonous.

  8. Oh rat! I have mushroom envy now.
    Our mushroom season finished several weeks ago (too much snow to pick anything), and I could pick only few hedgehog mushrooms during autunm (not even one full pan to fry!). They're one of favourites of my eldest. His most favourite is "Albatrellus ovinus", which turn yellow when cooked, those I managed to find twice to fry to him (son's list from no 1: Albatrellus ovinus, yellowfoot, hedgehog mushrooms,chanterelles, porchinies, portobello mushrooms,other boletes, horn of plenty). Some years I have my freezer filled with mushrooms, this year I didn't get nothing to freezer and not a single mushroom to dry! Miserable! At least he ate boletes twice a week for two months...

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