Saturday 7 December 2019

Posh, or what!

Look; this isn't a joke, really it isn't, I'm not making this up, I promise! This is absolutely true.

You might have heard of Victoria Beckham, wife of ex-footballer David Beckham, sometimes known as Posh Spice on account of her having been part of a girl band.

Well, some time back she started a clothes shop at 36 Dover Street, just off Piccadilly. Unfortunately it's not doing too well, and loses lots of money.

However, fashionistas now have the chance (you'd have to be quick) to buy this simple black SECONDHAND tee-shirt (in good condition) designed by Victoria herself, for only €400; a reduction of 33% from its original price of €600. An absolute bloody bargain.

If my wardrobe wasn't already overrun with black tee-shirts I'd have bought it myself!


  1. No wonder it's not doing well !!

    1. My thought exactly. I believe her husband has been subsidising her... to the tune of MILLIONS.

  2. How can people be stupid enough to pay these crazy prices?

    1. Even if I was a multi-billionaire I wouldn't pay that much for a tee-shirt. Certainly not a second hand one!

  3. I often think people in the western world have too much money and not even rich people.

    1. They often have so much, that they complain about being poor.... just look inside their homes.

  4. Wonder what makes it so special?

    Probably comes from the same 'sweatshop' as lots of other top brands

    1. I think it's made from quite nice material, but otherwise.... ?

  5. Absolutely crazy. Almost as daft as paying millions for a Picasso doodle.

  6. Or, for the sensible, visit George at Asda for a good selection in various colours and sizes from £4 each

  7. Allegedly, she has lost £40 million and their other businesses are bailing her out. Her new t shirts are £390 !!!!! She went to school round the corner to us and was often in M&S ...... I could tell you some stories but I might be done for libel !!! XXXX

    1. My youngest was at school with Katie Price (not in the same class, but same year). Likewise; interesting stories.

  8. My Grandson has to have clothes with 'the labels' and I told him I could not tell the difference from non label clothes. His answer was that people who knew about these things would know that he had designer clothes on. I just shook my head. lol

    1. My oldest son was much the same when he was small, he would never dream of buying clothes at Marks. He's still the same at over 45.

  9. Shame they only have one available. I would have bought a dozen for my holiday wardrobe on the yacht.

    1. I'm sure she could run-up a few more (new ones, of course).

  10. Without designers we would have nothing. They are the starting point for all the high street collections downwards so I see the point and there must be buyers for the originals to keep it all going. Like Stella McCartney, Victoria will survive one way or another I guess, and good luck to her and all her customers who can afford it.

    1. I'll add you to her mailing list.

    2. Her clothes are designed for the lean and long bodied, not my build. She still managed to sell £35M's worth last year.

  11. Sort of the same subject - I was in Fortnum and Mason's yesterday. They are selling Christmas crackers for £550.00. I thought the whole point of Christmas crackers was that they were supposed to be naff.

    1. Sophisticated jokes maybe? Sounds a lot, but I suppose it depends on what's in them. I remember seeing a TV programme about gifts for multi-millionaires; it reminds me of that.

  12. So many people are obsessed with name brands these days. Personally, I would much prefer it if there were no logos or visible brand names on the clothes we buy. I wouldn't pay 400euros for Victoria Beckham herself - let alone a very ordinary T-shirt.

    1. I find clothes with ADIDAS or NIKE written all over them ghastly. Why anyone would wish to advertise this stuff amazes me. If I had a suit made by a good Savile Row tailor, the last thing I'd want was their name all over it.

  13. I do a lot of solo travelling since my divorce and a couple of years ago I was in Greece chatting to an Irish girl on our trip and we were talking about just this kind of thing. She said words to the effect that that "designer" t-shirt was her next trip - and I agreed absolutely. Travel (for me) is so much more valuable than wearing clothes with a designer logo (on the outside so everyone can see it)!

    1. It's a strange modern phenomenon; but not one that I adhere to.

  14. Replies
    1. Imagine that she had decided to become a potter. She doodles a few pots, gets them made by someone else, then tries to sell them for crazy prices in a very expensive West End shop. Much the same!
