Friday 1 November 2019

Oh dear; poor Billy.

Poor old boy, he's had a few strange days.

Firstly he was given a Penicillin pill instead of his Tick/Flea treatment pill; by mistake. He survived!

After that, his obsession with Cake resurfaced. This time he ate half a large Carrot Cake. Naughty.

Then recently Lady M was walking with him on his lead, when he went to say hello to a dog friend; a little dog we looked after for many years whenever his owner was away. The 'person' he was with, then kicked Billy; quite hard. Recently he was throwing stones at him, now it's kicking. After their death threats to poor old Bok, we've come to expect almost anything.

Billy shrugged off the attack, and we're being diplomatic about his attacker; these people need pity, not anger. I'm pleased to report that Billy's OK.

I repeat Kant's observation. 'You can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals'.


  1. I would have punched the guy...TWICE

    1. My wife witnessed the event. If it had been me there he wouldn't have done it. If he had, he'd have had a sore nose.

  2. That's awful. Poor Billy. Glad he is okay.

  3. Experience of being with Border Collies in my farming years taught me many things about them - first they are tough, hardy dogs and will survive many things and secondly they forgive such behaviour but they don't forget it. Give him a good tummy tickle from me.

  4. I would report him especially after the death threats. Just so he know that everyone knows about him. You must be proactive with that devil to protect Billy.
    I carry a Bark Buddy with me. It lets out a sound that annoys the dogs which helps stop bad behavior. I would point it at the jerk and say behave then punch him No one attacks my dog !

  5. That's terrible. Glad Billy is ok but a nasty experience. Take care of yourselves and Billy!

  6. He's so cute, he doesn't deserve all that evil.

  7. Have you had him checked over by a vet as the kick could have done him some internal damage? I hope he is okay, poor lad.


  8. Not sure that Billy's attacker deserves anything less than anger and a good kicking himself.

    1. Proof that he's simply a coward; he wouldn't have done it in front of me. He knows what he would have received in return.

  9. I would lose what little diplomacy I have to hand under those circumstances. To hell with getting on with the neighbours.

  10. I would find it very difficult to deal so diplomatically with an animal abuser.

  11. I put this here yesterday simply to demonstrate how our tiny hamlet has changed from being such a calm and quiet place, to what it is today. Sad. I do wish they'd go away!

  12. I'd be like a mother lion. No tellin' what I would do to someone that kicked my dog. But I do understand trying to keep peace with neighbours. I hope they move. Give Billy a hug for me all the way from Canada. xo
