Saturday 2 November 2019

MASH-UP: Trump’s al-Baghdadi Speech & Obama’s Bin Laden Speech

Even if you've already seen this, never mind; it's worth watching again.


  1. The Belgian Sheepdog that chased Mr Bahgdadi town the tunnel suffered a slight injury but has now recovered and is back on duty. He will probably get a bravery medal. Mr B's remains (sic) were gathered up and as was the case with the late Mr Laden they were dropped into the shark infested sea.

    1. No need for a shrine. Better to feed the sharks.

  2. Brilliant. I'm almost surprised Trump didn't confuse him with the wrestler, Big Daddy.

    1. Big Daddy of terrorist group 'Individual Struggle in Scuffle' (ISIS)?

    2. The bigliest big daddy of them all, folks...

  3. Presidential vs. thug, intelligence vs. personality disorder, class vs. there are no words.

    1. He certainly has a way with words; sadly it's not most people's way.

  4. How very statesmanlike and Presidential he sounded. And if you believe that........

  5. I can't wait for the trade deals.

    1. I believe they'll be ordering plenty of carved marble. Lucky for some.

  6. Seriously, guys, you live in EUROPE. I live in the USA so I think my take on President Trump is more valid than yours. WE love him.
    WE love him because he is for American first. Closing the border, making better deals with China, working with N. Korea, honoring our military and police, and rebuiding manufacturing in our country. His language is completely insignificant . HE is working for the benefit of OUR country. MILLIONS & MILLIONS of us voted for him and even more millions will vote for him again. It will be a REPUBLICAN LANDSLIDE in 2020 as we have witnessed the abuse of power by Congress and the "deep state" and the complete, total corruption of those people. This is what is important to us. Not "he died like a dog." There are millions of us (not me) who speak exactly like this every day and I think our President understands how to connect with them. These people are the backbone of America. Not illegals from every country around the world. Not self-benefitting congressmen and "deep state" career people. I am very proud of what he has accomplished for the USA. How he speaks is the very least important of all. Actions, not words. Please.

    1. That's good. You keep him. We don't want him. EVER.

    2. I acknowledge that he has done certain things for the good in the USA, but I do think you'd have to agree that he is a slightly comical character, not only how he speaks but with his crazy orange tan, etc. I could go on.

    3. NONE of that is important! I adore his slighty comical character, he is REAL! And, he is a GOOD MAN. He is TRYING to clean up the corruption, and those who are corrupt (mostly all of them on either side of the aisle) are determined to win. Hey, imagine, that you're raking in $MILLIONS, you would fight back too. Also, most of what they've done it criminal. CRIMINAL. In our country we have statesmen and congressmen who are CRIMINALS !!!

  7. Not all of us in the US agree with the above. In fact I don't agree with any of the pro Trump statements above. My family tree goes back to Colonial US.

    1. It takes all sorts Shadowmoss, it's what makes the world turn. It's when we're all forced to think the same way that it fails.

  8. One a statesman, the other a third rate comedian.
