Monday 25 November 2019


                                        Keith with Toyah.

I don't have much hair these days, but what's left of it, I usually cut myself (if required). It wasn't always thus.

At school it was senior boys who simply shouted "Haircut", and a trip to one of the town's barbers was obligatory.

In my city days I used to have my hair cut on Saturdays at Harrods. This may sound very fancy, but in fact it was very cheap. I imagine it was a 'lost-leader', designed to keep husbands busy whilst their wives spent their fortunes. It was a little known gem.

Later during my London days, I let it grow (as was the fashion), and kept it to a controllable shoulder length, then one day my friend Juliet introduced me to the man in the picture above. After dinner one night he pulled out from his jacket a comb and pair of scissors. I was instructed to sit near the light. 

This was the only time in my life that I've had a 'celebrity haircut'. Keith (Wainwright) was the genius behind Smile; probably the hippest of all Knightsbridge salons in the mid-60's. Everyone who was anyone went to Smile, but on this particular occasion Smile came to me.

'Keith at Smile' wasn't really a men's crimper, but he did a good job!

Above is what he looks like today; he hasn't changed that much. Cheers Keef!


  1. I too love hair cut being done especially in my town's barber, a friend of mine. We have to make good friendship to get good and fancy cut

    1. My hair, these days, doesn't need too much attention. Not much I can do about it now.

  2. Keith @ Smile and the rest of the team were our patients and I always went to Smile for my highlights and cut ...... Paul Owen used to do mine. Keith has a salon in Chelsea I think. XXXX

    1. I expect he's pretty well retired now. I think he went into partnership with someone at Chelsea. Nice man.

    2. He went into partnership with Richard Ward ( who I think did Catherine Middleton’s hair when she married William ) and, I think he still works in his salon in Chelsea.

    3. Oops ... I forgot the XXXX’s !!!

  3. My Dad used to get his haircut done at Harrods for the very same reason... cheap, but very good!

    1. I may have sat next to him! We all felt very chic!

  4. Great story. You moved in interesting circles when you were younger.

    1. Living and working in Chelsea in the mid-60's was wonderful. I met interesting people almost daily.

  5. Had my hair cut in Italy a couple of months ago. I’ll leave it now until the daffy days return. I’m down to two or three haircuts a year. It used to need twelve. My bro is like you. Doesn’t have much and cuts his own. Missed your Pantomime post yesterday but it’s a real hoot. “Andrew was wonderful rescuing those paintings” HM Windsor Castle fire quote. Title: Puss in Falkland boots.

    1. I've never been brave enough to have my hair cut 'abroad'. I can imagine things going wrong!

    2. A stockbroker colleague of mine had his hair cut by the side of a road somewhere in Sardinia where a barber was plying his trade to passing motorists.

    3. He must have been desperate!

  6. I always remember my barber when I started work saying that a gentleman should never look as though his hair had just been cut. He also used to strop my cutthroats and mend umbrellas.

    1. He was right. A light, regular, trim is much better.
