Tuesday 26 November 2019

Cro's top 10 favourite 'foreign' foods.

As an antidote to Brexit and Bluster, here's some foodie thoughts. 10, in fact.

1. Chinese sweet-n-sour BBQ spare ribs.

2. Confit de Canard.

3. Parma ham.

4. Snails with Garlic butter.

5. Méchoui of Lamb.

6. Moules Marinières.

7. Couscous with a Lamb tagine.

8. Tandoori chicken.

9. Swedish Sill Matjes.

10. Sushi.


  1. All of those except the snails and the sill matjes.

    1. Both of which I adore. My late mother in law used to give me tins of Sill for Christmas every year. These days I can't even buy them online. I need someone to go down to Ikea in Toulouse!

  2. That is a very yummy list of food all of which, except the snails, I would almost regard as not foreign these days because of their universiality if you know what I mean. For sill I read rollmops which are easily obtainable here. I have had snails in garlic butter once in a restaurant in France and loved them. Not sure what Mechoui of lamb is but as I like lamb I assume I would like it. I had spare ribs all to myself one night last week.

    1. I do buy Rollmops here, and add sugar to them; but they still don't have that authentic taste of Sill. You can buy the real thing at Ikea.

  3. Like Sue and Rachel. All of them except the snails.

    1. Have you ever eaten Snails Yael? You might be surprised how delicious they are; the only thing you don't taste are the Snails themselves. They are mostly garlic, butter, parsley, and bread crumbs.

    2. I did eat snails a couple times back in the 70s at a fine French restaurant in NE Ohio (of all places). The escargot where delicious with garlic butter and herbs. Yum.

  4. I'll go with your number one but no snails or sushi for me.

    1. I must do another 10; I missed so many things.

  5. The whole list looks good to me!
    The French sum my hatred of a certain foodstuff beautifully.....
    "J'ai horreur des olives".
    A restaurateur in Agen noted I'd picked them of a salade nicoise.

    1. I love Olives, especially stuffed with Anchovy. I did actually process some of our own two years ago... they were edible, but no Michelin star.

  6. I must be a very fussy eater. I would only enjoy 2,3,5 and 7.

  7. I'd go out of my way for 1, 6, 7 and 10. I would not thank you for 2 and 4. I have no idea what 5 and 9 are. I can take or leave 3 and 8.

  8. I had to look up a few of these. Now I understand you are talking about pickled herring, mussels, and prosciutto. No thank you to the herring and snails. Just can't get past what snails look like when still alive and well. Mussels grown and eaten in Prince Edward Island are among the best in the world - if you happen to go travelling someday. -Jenn

    1. I cook Mussels very simply... white wine, parsley, and the Mussels.

  9. You are a man who certainly enjoys his food. Do you have a list of foods you won’t eat?

  10. I had snails in Montreal. They were smothered in garlic. I believe I ate a dozen. When I asked if they’d give me a bag for the empty shells as I wanted to keep them as a souvenir of my visit to Canada the waiter said non. When I asked him why not . He said the shells belong to the restaurant. So I asked him what they do with all the empty snail shells. He said: Monsieur we wash them and fill them with snails. I’ve never eaten them since.

    1. Restaurants can buy big cans of snails. They fill the shells, pour on the sauce, and serve. Here in France we can even buy similar 'kits' in supermarkets. I prefer them done properly.

  11. Number six is my favourite - I could eat them every day.

  12. A tip: Never refer to yourself in the third person, even in a title. It is vulgar to do so, especially when you write about your favourite foods. I would have thought a man with the education that you have enjoyed would have known that instinctively.

    1. Footnote: It is quite acceptable to refer to yourself in the plural, as in 'we', but not the third person.

    2. Footnote 2: "Could this be the death of Little Caesar?" I'm afraid it is old chum.

    3. Cro has heard your complaint, and I understand that he will ignore.

  13. Replies
    1. No. I do eat Lady Magnon's tarts pies and cakes, but they would never appear on a list of favourites.
