Thursday 3 October 2019

Pastures new.

We have made a joint decision that this winter we shall throw caution to the winds, and change bedrooms.

Our present bedroom is very small, cluttered, and is lacking decent insulation. However, it's reasonably easy to heat, and is directly above our kitchen and its wood fired oven.

The bedroom to which we intend to move (The Library, above) is much bigger and contains FOUR beds (1 double, 2 singles, 1 child's), and is well insulated. It is situated above our sitting room, and, therefore, our wood fired stove which in Winter is lit daily. It is equally as cluttered as our present room, but that can be sorted. It has low beams, but a pleasant atmosphere.

I have never taken comparative temperature tests, but I imagine that The Library is always a few degrees warmer than our present room.

Others may change bedrooms on a regular basis; but not us! We have stayed faithful to our present lodgings, and have never slept in the other room; keeping it mostly for visitors.

'The Library' may sound like rather an ostentatious name for such a small room, but it's where many of our books are kept. Otherwise it's known as 'The Other Room'.


  1. Love the beams. Hope you do find it warmer although you do not have far to move if you want to return to the other room.

  2. We have a beamed ceiling in our living room but nothing like yours! Those beams have character.
    A room with books is always cosy

  3. I like small rooms and no beams to bump into at night.

    1. The cross beam in The Library is responsible for more cracked heads than I dare to mention. It's very low.

  4. Beautiful beams but could be dangerous if you sleepwalk!

    1. I've hit my head several times; usually whilst looking for books, then turning round too quickly.

  5. Have you both headroom on a trip to the WC in poor light?

    1. No. I haven't measured, but I think the bottom of that beam is about 1 m 60 cms from the ground. Ouch!

  6. We moved bedrooms just these last few weeks as the joiners made us fitted wardrobes and sanded the floor. Although we couldn’t move in there for old tutt, clothes on hanging rails, books and office paraphernalia, I felt strangely cosy, even with the towering cathedral type ceiling... strange?


    1. I think it's rather a nice idea to have a Summer and Winter bedroom. I don't know why we never thought of it before.

  7. In our bedroom we throw caution to the winds literally. Mrs G is a fresh air fanatic. Even in darkest winter she insist freezing to death is good for us!

    1. I'm probably much the same. I like to breathe cool fresh air, whilst being warm under the (thin) duvet.

  8. Well there seems to be one advantage to only being 5ft 3ins tall - I usually miss low beams!

    1. I'm 6 ft 1 inch, and although that's not TALL; I still tend to hit them.

  9. Lady M has never gone off to the guest bedroom because of your snoring? Maybe you are one of the few older males who don't snore.

    1. I probably shouldn't say this, but there's only one of us who snores; and it isn't me.

  10. Change can be good. I hope you will both be comfortable in your new digs.

    1. I'm sure we will. We'll probably move at the end of the month.

  11. Your library bedroom looks so nice ..... like something out of Harry Potter. You will be very snug in there. XXXX

    1. Yes, I think so. Just that extra bit of warmth will be welcome.

  12. Throughout both my married lives I have slept on the left of the double bed. Recently I have bought a new electric blanket (bliss) and the controls are on the right so I have swapped to what was the farmer's side of the bed. After six weeks or so I still try to get out on the wrong side in the middle ofthe night to go to the bathroom.

    1. With the new bed, I shall try to swap sides at the same time; I'm looking forward to sleeping on my left side instead of right.

  13. Beautiful room. It will be nice to move.

  14. That is a capital-r Rustic room! You'll only have to bonk your head a couple of times in the night before you learn to duck in your sleep.

  15. I love your Library. Pretty much every room in my house qualifies as a Library, thank goodness. What are some of your favorite books or current reads? Just curious. My favorite is Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. I read it at 6 years old and lived along the Red River where I often went fishing (like Tom & Huck) with my Uncle, who fished for a living, selling the Catfish & Gar to local fish markets. He was also a Carpenter. It was quite adventurous because he would let me play on sandbars while he ran his nets. xo
