Tuesday 1 October 2019

Conference Season.

First it was the Liberals in sunny Bournemouth, where schoolgirl Jo Swinson's only policy was to 'remain' in the EU, regardless of what her party members seemed to think.

Then it was the Communists Marxists Socialists in the chic south coast town of Brighton who promised to reduce the standards of education by banning all high-flying private schools, and possibly making Oxford and Cambridge into Polytechnics.

They also want to abolish all illegal immigrant 'Detention Centres' (great idea), force compulsorily purchase of all empty properties, introduce 'rent capping', and have the right to buy any privately let housing.

They want no restrictions on the use of the UK's NHS, schools, or courts, by international legal or illegal immigrants. A true Socialist 'Free for All'.

Also high on their list is to give 10% of any Company's shares to its workers each year, as well as introducing a 4 day (32 hr) week with no pay cut. Voting age would be lowered to 16. 'Re-wilding' 25% of Britain's best agricultural land is also a major policy, which would help with post-Brexit food production (erm; is that right Jezza?). All sooper-dooper policies.

Next it was the Tories (the people's party) in more down-to-earth Manchester. They promise to build 40 new hospitals, outlaw the import of African hunting trophies, give a good-talking-to to anyone found with a knife (or fork) in their pocket, legalise pinching girls bottoms, and make Boris 'King of the World and the entire Universe'.

With a General Election on the cards; the choice is yours!


  1. Glad I live in the Antipodes, although all this Brexit business will effect the whole world.

    1. Most of us just despair. All we now want is for the whole business to be done with, so we can get on with other things.

  2. Ha.ha You have forgotten the Green Party, jumping up and down in the background. It is a pretty mess. But one word of comfort, you can let Billie eat shaggy cap mushrooms as they did not poison Lucy my dog the other day. But watch out for the rest of them....

    1. Does the Green Party still exist? Lucas was our MP in Brighton; useless.

      I'm afraid Billy wouldn't stand a chance of eating our Shaggy Ink Caps; I have them. Our mushroom season (Cepes) is about to begin; watch this spot!

  3. Some choice? What about Screaming Lord Sultch and his Raving Loonies?

    1. They held their 2019 annual conference at the George & Dragon in Belper. Lots of music; no policies. Just as it should be these days!

  4. you sum it all up so well, you did forget to say it's normal for each party to ignore anything the people voted for.

  5. Interesting that the conservative party's conference was held in a centre built with EU money.... just sayin' 😎

    1. That EU money probably came mostly from the UK.

  6. Jezza aside. Labour is the only party that will give the working class a pay rise, a day off for leisure like tending the allotment, free home care for over sixties and for more than fifteen minutes, keeping the NHS public and nationalising the railways again. Forget the leaders and look at the policies.

    1. Unfortunately all that comes at a price, and with Abbott doing the sums, I wouldn't hold your breath!

    2. The money that Britain spends on nuclear weapons every fortnight would end poverty for good. There were never homeless until Thatcher sold off the council houses.

    3. Thank goodness for nuclear weapons; now more than ever. I agree about the council houses, all those 'nouveau riches' should be made to pay the profits back, and have it re-invested in more council houses.

    4. My parents bought their (tiny) semi detached council house. They were definitely not nouveau rich and were not doing it for profit from letting. It was the only way they ever could have afforded a home of their own and freedom from a life of renting. The mortgage was cheaper than the rent.
      Having said that, I think it was wrong to sell council houses without replenishing the housing stock. It would have been better to build houses people could afford to buy with help rather than sell off precious housing stock at a discounted price.

    5. How interesting. Labelling council house buyers as nouveau riche is like the labelling of leave voters as Daily Express readers, which on current circulation figures of the newspaper is about .002%.

  7. A practical Labour Party with a decent leader would not be such a bad thing, but I don't see a practical Labour party or decent leader.

    1. The Labour Party used to be highly respected, sadly these days they are viewed as a very dangerous joke.

  8. I will vote for the candidate most likely to turf our upstart tory MP from his seat.

  9. I came back here to see if I had left a comment this morning. Thankfully I hadn't. The only thing I agree with the Marxists/Communists/Socialists on is rent-capping. Unless you are an unusually high achieving, public school-leaver, you will find it hard to rustle up £1500/£2000 a month to have a roof over your head which does not belong to your parents. In France and Germany you have to run about 5 properties to make any money on housing. Quite right.

    1. Would it be OK to be a low achieving, comprehensive school leaver, who had that type of money, or is this just another go at those who've worked hard?

    2. Rent capping has never worked. It always ends up with a shortage of available accommodation and has the opposite effect.

    3. Guess what we'll be doing as soon as there's any hint of capping?

    4. didnt they try rent capping in Scotland? All the people around here refuse to rent houses long term, they have all turned to holiday rentals to get their money. And then it has forced the prices of the houses up and no one but incomers can afford to live here. On the other hand, there is no right to buy your council house in Scotland. That didnt work out as they cant afford to replace the housing stocks. Makes sense that people are in social housing whilst they save and get themselves straight. they move out when they can afford the deposit, releasing the social house back into the housing register. They then dont have to fill a quota for building council houses as they retain the stock. They wont be able to reforest 25% of everything as they have to build eleventy billion council houses in England. How does that work? You either grow food on it, put houses on it, or have a forest? I didnt know that Labour could make the size of England bigger at its will... or are they thinking of conquering somewhere and using their land? The mind boggles at politicians at present.
