Saturday 14 September 2019

The world's most beautiful home.

There are certain properties that I covet; and this is one. 

Possibly the most beautiful home I know (and have stayed in) is the above Sussex farmhouse called Humphrey's Homestead. I just wish I could have found a better picture for you. It's a stunning property.

HH is situated on a very quiet country lane, a few miles from Arundel in West Sussex, and is a classic large early stone and flint built farmhouse, with a wavy peg-tiled roof and ancient interior beams. A couple of similarly constructed outbuildings have been converted into houses for family members. It has become a fabulous 'family community'.

It was the home of Wilfrid Meynell and his wife the poet Alice Meynell. Of their eight children two were Viola and Francis Meynell; both writers/poets in their own rights (see Wiki).

The house is a treasure trove of objects and memories. Paintings by Bloomsbury members nonchalantly hang in unexpected places, a portrait drawing of Alice by J S Sargent hangs in the smoky atmosphere of the huge sitting room inglenook. Much of the old antique furniture has been painted-on by visiting artists. I believe that Lawrence wrote his 'England my England' whilst staying there. The ambiance is thick with cultured indifference. 

I presume that my friends, who are Meynell family members, still own this lovely house (I cannot imagine them ever selling it); I've hardly seen them since I was an usher at their Arundel Cathedral wedding back in the late 60's. To me the house is perfection in every way. Their Bonfire Night parties were unforgettable.

I've just found another picture; probably as equally bad as the first. 

Oh to own such a home!


  1. A very handsome exterior in the second photo, along with what is probably a fascinating interior.

    1. Not very clear, I'm afraid, but I can assure you that it is spectacular. Possibly 17th C.

  2. I've never been to such beautiful homes and probably never will, there are no such things here.

    1. I'm pleased to say that England is full of such beautiful ancient homes (as is France). Of course I don't know many myself, but this one I do know well, and I adore it.

  3. It reminds me a bit of photographs I have seen of Charleston Farmhouse in East Sussex where the Bloomsbury Group spent time, Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant. Sussex must have some beautiful places, Bertrand Russell was also attracted to the area I believe.

    1. Charleston is a much younger house, but the atmosphere is much the same. Bell, Grant, and Co knew the Meynells; the two houses were not that far apart.

  4. My favourite house is rarely looked at by passing motorists because it is on the other side of the road from Highgrove, Charlie's boring-by-comparison home.

    1. Some stunning houses around where he lives. Very formal compared to Sussex.

    2. Well, very 17th century anyway.

  5. Old, well kept homes are always so interesting to visit.

  6. An unusual name - Humphrey's Homestead. I like it.

    1. I'd never thought about it, but you're right. I have another friend whose house is called 'Giblets'.

  7. Oh to be in England.
    So wonderful that you were able to visit.

  8. My favourite house is up a valley near Machynlleth..when my friend there, a fellow potter, had much needed work done, friends called round after and asked what she had had done....The house is from the 1500s at least and the renovation was hardly visible.

    1. My first house (after college) was in Wales. It was a big old granite built house that had once been a Pub'; with large cellar, etc. Unfortunately it was badly situated in a tiny village, with strange neighbours. Machynlleth is a good place to be these days!
