Sunday 15 September 2019

Caller Who Used To Run Port Of Dover On What No-Deal Brexit Will Really ...

Poor Iain Dale; the uber doom-monger hardly knew what to say when presented with 'facts' from a sharp end caller. He looks genuinely upset, I love the way he eventually tries to pass the buck to the fragrant Emily Thornberry.

Iain, and other fair-weather-critics, sit back listening to No Deal 'worst case scenarios' (of which they have no first-hand knowledge), as the people who do the actual job simply carry on, and get things done.

"There might be a shortage of Cheddar at Carrefour, but there won't be a shortage of Brie at Tesco" Spread the word Iain!!.... and Pigs will fly.


  1. The hoops that they have to go through already sounds as if they were designed by a civil servant in France.

    1. Hopefully those hoops will be reduced after Brexit (if it ever happens).

  2. I am preparing for a Labour/Lib Dem coalition and forgetting about Brexit.

    1. I still think my £5 bet is reasonably safe!

  3. Isn't it nice to hear someone who actually KNOWS what they are talking about!!!

    1. Unfortunately the doom-mongers shout loudest.

  4. Right. That's the imports sorted. Now for the question of reciprocal health care for you in France.

    1. I don't get any now; I pay for everything myself!

  5. Do you mean you have private treatment? All our friends who live in France full time have a carte vitale giving them access to the French health system and pay a top up insurance which covers the shortfall.
    This is the arrangement which might disappear if we leave the EU with no deal. All UK citizens (and visitors who currently use their EHIC cards for emergency health cover) could be lumbered with paying privately or having to buy expensive insurance.

    1. My wife has a Carte Vitale, but because I don't receive any UK state pension they won't give me the relevant papers to get one myself. I have a EH1C card, but have yet to see if it works (luckily).

    2. Don't worry Cro, Jean goes round spreading doom and gloom. I have annual travel health insurance for Europe, no limit on number of visits, £5M cover and it costs me £90, hardly "being lumbered with expensive insurance" Jean. Stop just being a doomster and join in the fun of blogging. There are other posts to comment on, like Cro's daughter's birthday for instance. And Cro, your health cover and practices are your business, not Jean's. She's living the dream, and feeling a bit got at by the Leavers.

  6. Pop up border controls, hahaha.
