Saturday 10 August 2019

Veteran banned from putting American flag on mailbox

I'd thought that it was only in England where patriotism had been banned, so I was very surprised to see that it happens elsewhere too; especially in the USA.

Lady Magnon spent a few years at school in Washington DC, and along with all other children (even though she was English/Swedish) had to pledge allegiance to the American flag every morning.

I presume this no longer happens either!


  1. I went to school in Alabama for 3 years in the 1960s. Everyone had to pledge allegiance to the flag every morning. Aged 8 I refused, ended up in the head teachers office and had to be rescued by my father who arrived in his uniform and parlayed with the locals. We ended up with me having to stand up but not having to pledge allegiance. Lucky to have a father who was a Lt Col, honorary consul and liaison officer attached to the US military.

    1. My wife's father was at the embassy in Washington. I don't think she minded pledging her allegiance; I don't suppose she even thought about it too much.

  2. I must say that I have never seen any sign or signal of patriotism being banned in England and I have lived here nearly all my life.

    1. The displaying of English flags is banned in many places; especially at town halls. I think they imagine it might upset certain immigrant groups.

    2. And that wouldn't be good for business.

  3. As soon as I clicked publish my comment was deleted by blogger. Maybe because I mentioned the current French leader as being less than patriotic.

    1. It appears it doesn't like certain words.

    2. In general the French are very proud of their 'tricolore'; it is rarely not seen flying somewhere. I'd thought the Americans were the same.

  4. I was more interested in those middle-aged men milling around behind the presenter as if staring through the window.

    1. That happens in certain UK news reports too. I've often seen crowds staring in from behind.

  5. C'mon Cro. Many English people have English flags on their homes. Many English were observed by me to be openly patriotic. Even educated and worldly types were for Brexit as they absolutely hate Brussels and what it has done in England and elsewhere. I think the exit Europe vote was significantly directed at Brussels, but also with a strong anti immigration view.

    1. It's mostly on Town Halls where they are more sensitive. It's a bizarre subject.

    2. The Flag of St George needs to be reclaimed. Only churches and anti-immigration people fly it these days.

    3. I think St George's Day needs reviving too. Even here in France they celebrate St Patrick's Day.

  6. This is an old video from Fox, aka Faux, TV. It shows an isolated incident that happened due to a stupid homeowners decision. This is not something that is happening all over the US. People fly the flag proudly throughout the US. The Pledge of Allegiance is still said in schools but it is not mandatory.

    1. Right away, I new that it had to be a homeowners association rule. And the school where I work has the pledge every morning.

    2. We are all so used to seeing US homes with a flag outside, that I was amazed to see this nonsense. I had presumed it was some maverick ruling.

  7. Just yesterday I was remembering my school days in the 40's and 50's. We pledged allegiance to the flag and also recited The Lord's Prayer every morning. The few Jewish students stood quietly with no objections to the prayer by their parents. It was just the way it was - peacefully respecting each other. How have we ever come to this state of affairs. Thankfully, this Florida incident is rare. Too bad it was picked up by Fox News - it didn't deserve air time. The honorable veteran's plan on handling it is the right way, not with huge outcry or threats of lawsuits. I'm so glad my time on earth is short - these things are so upsetting when I have "how it was" to compare with the snowballing nonsense and complete lack of common sense!

    1. I thought the veteran' showed great restraint in the face of what must have been deeply distressing to him.

  8. When BBC World showed their interviews outside Westminster during the Theresa May Brexit fiasco they positioned the cameras so that EU viewers had the impression there were 90% EU flags outside and just a solitary British one. Flag of Wales it was.

    1. The Union flag is just about acceptable (on occasions), but the flag of St George is now almost regarded as racist. It's a funny old world.
