Friday 9 August 2019

Planning for Winter.

With the way things were going at Haddock's, I feared that we'd have no Winter Greens at the end of this year, and into 2020.

I'm now pleased to see that my Cavolo Nero, Curly Kale, and Swiss Chard plants are all suddenly beginning to grow; there's another row of Chard sown by the string-line. We had some reasonable rain recently, and it seems to have done the trick. 

I'd originally sown a row of Perpetual Spinach where the string-line is, and it hadn't germinated, so I re-sowed with Swiss Chard. Now both crops are starting to grow. I should have waited an extra few days.

It's been so dry and hot that nothing was moving. Some plants died and had to be replaced.  There are about 24 plants in all (not counting the Chard/Spinach) which should be enough. Now I simply need to cross my fingers, and hope that nothing more goes wrong. We have two other rows of Chard/Spinach elsewhere, which we are already eating.

The bad photo makes it all look a terrible mess; it's not perfect, but it's neater than it looks, and it recently rained again.


  1. and some apples in the background? Looking good. We have been very pleased with our vegetables this year. Just hope the summer ones do as well.

    1. Yes, I ought to take a photo of the Apple tree; it's so overloaded that the branches are touching the ground.

  2. Do you have any more rain forecast? I would happily send you some of ours. We have more than enough.

    1. 'Light Rain' is forecast for Sunday, but that usually means 'nothing'.

  3. So hot and dry.......wait for the dust storms.

  4. As long as you get your greens, it doesn’t matter what it looks like !!! Happy harvest ! XXXX

    1. I'm planting half a dozen Cauli's this afternoon. We're getting there.

  5. Your garden is very neat, Cro. The one thing that you can count on is that Kale and Chard will grow anywhere, anytime, at least here. I hope you get some rain soon.

    1. Especially the Chard. Ours has been wonderful. We eat it about twice a week, and it simply re-grows. We should have some 'light rain' at the weekend. Fingers crossed!

  6. Looks good to me Cro. The thing is that however much we worry and however many things don't grow as we would like - anything harvested is a million times better than anything bought from the greengrocer.

    1. Certain things can't even be bought from the greengrocer. Tomatoes with real flavour, really fresh Chard, or young aubergines. They HAVE to be home grown.

  7. Every year about this time, how you despair. We know you well.

    1. It's all a question of highs and lows; the expectation and the result. In spring we are all so optimistic, then reality takes over when it comes to harvesting.
