Wednesday 27 March 2019

The end of the Caliphate.

ISIS must be the most blood-thirsty and destructive of all recent religious warring factions.

The end of their so-called Caliphate has at last been confirmed by the US as Baghouz in Eastern Syria falls to SDF forces, and although a few remaining members might be laying-low, their short reign of terror is mostly over.

Now is the time to take captured ISIS members to the courts. To execute to worst of them, and imprison the others for life. Their wives and helpers could receive slightly shorter sentences (plus a few lashes perhaps).

I have no pity, or feelings of leniency, for these vile people. They have spawned a series of world-wide atrocities, and should receive similar punishment as reprisal. The echoes of their reign will continue for decades.

I would like to suggest these people are dressed in orange suits, and have their throats cut in public, but we Westerners are not as blood-thirsty. Let's just 'let them accidently fall' from the top of Trump Tower instead.


  1. I rather like the orange suit idea.

    What confuses me is the idea that all their atrocities were carried out in the name of religion? What sort of religion condones such behaviour?

    1. Not only that, but their worst enemies were fellow Muslims.

  2. I doubt it's over. The buggers are regrouping here.

    1. I expect they'll form groups all over, and occasionally commit an outrage or two. They won't go away; just encourage Islamophobia.

  3. There'll be a place for at least one Isis fellowship at Cambridge to fill the Jordan Peterson vacancy.

    1. Tower blocks and village halls will be named after them too, no doubt.

  4. Sadly it will not be the end of such terrorist groups in the world.

    1. Unfortunately I have to agree. The world will never be at peace.

    2. They'll go underground for a while, then regroup.

  5. It might be the end of the caliphate but it is not the end of ISIS. They do better without a headquarters.

    1. I would have thought it a basic rule of war that you don't hem yourself into a small enclave.

  6. I really hope they've cleaned out that nest of vipers. They were a vicious band of terorists.
    Sadly, as everyone is well aware, they will resurface

    1. No question about it. They are a determined bunch of louts; hell bent on bloodshed.

  7. They are still in Libya. They regrouped.

  8. It seems like there is always a group of people that just enjoy being mad and upset about something all the time. Nevertheless, I do approve of your subtle corrective suggestions. Smile whenever you can!

    1. Before writing the above, I looked at their Wiki page, and their religious philosophy in particular. It's hard to believe that anyone (let alone thousands) could believe in such obvious tripe; but they found them!

  9. I agree with everything you said !

    cheers, parsnip

  10. They are known to infiltrate through the US porous southern border and people wonder why we want a wall. The atrocities that the Muslims are doing to Christians and Jews all over the world is heartbreaking and they are not all ISIS....India, Pakistan, Nigeria the list goes on and on. In time, one wonders where it will end. They breed like fleas and they preached to their children to hate all of us that are not of their faith. Yes, ISIS will regroup and come back with vengeance. Off my soapbox! :)

    1. They are certainly here in France, and in most other European countries. We simply wait for the next atrocity!

  11. I doubt even the most extreme pacifist cares very much about them. I certainly don't.

    1. I presume you mean 'their fate'. I care very little too, as long as they're out of the picture.
