Tuesday 26 March 2019

Anthony Wedgwood-Benn - Britain must Leave the EU to restore Democracy

It's not easy to imagine Anthony Wedgwood-Benn, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Jeremy Corbyn, Nigel Farage, and Dennis Skinner as Brexit-bed-fellows; but they were/are (A W-B is no longer with us). Jezza and Weggie were as thick as thieves (politically) over leaving the EU, and Weggie's words (below) could just as easily have come from the mouth of Farage.

I was never a fan of Wedgwood-Benn. I tended to agree with the Russian KGB who referred to him as 'The most dangerous man in Europe', and 'An unnecessary simpleton'; many agreed with the former, but I would never have referred to him as a simpleton.

Anyway, here he is describing why the UK must quit the EU. Much of what he said I would agree with; even though I voted to 'remain'. His view of Mandelson is interesting; I'd agree with all of that.

I would like to promise that this will be my final Brexit/Chaos posting; but I expect I'll succumb.


  1. Poor old Jeremy has been anti the EU for his entire political life. No wonder he is so reticent about saying anything now.

    1. Maybe he could apply to be leader of UKIP; they need a new man.

  2. I have made a vow with myself never to say the B word again.

    1. I keep saying that to myself as well, but I must be hooked!

  3. He talked a lot of sense about fundamental issues, but having lost the first referendum the situation has changed beyond recognition - mainly because of the 'dirty deals' he mentioned. His prediction of the break-up of the EU will probably turn out to be accurate. We are heading for a form of nationalism with countries breaking up into old tribes with historical grievances.

    1. He was a good Socialist/Communist; if one likes that sort of thing. But he would have brought the country to its knees if he'd carried out his ideas; much like Corbyn.

  4. I wish they had subtitles for the video as I would be interested to know what he was saying. (My hearing aids don't cope very well with TV / online sound).

    1. He also had a slight 'lisp' or something, and didn't speak very clearly. We find a lot of today's diction, and relaying, very poor. You're not alone.

    2. In a nutshell, JacCee, he said the EU stinks.

    3. Oh well, I haven't missed much then :)

    4. And Corbyn agreed with him for 40 years; but....

  5. The only time I met AW-B was when he was Minister of Technology. His publicity officer came before him and tried to orchestrate everything. AW-B had to be referred to as 'Weg-Ben of Min_Tec' to give him a dynamic image. Regardless of his politics I found him less than pleasant.

    1. He was an intelligent and lucid speaker, but he had become radicalised. I much prefer his son, Hilary, who would probably make a good leader of his party. Extremists of all ilks frighten me.
