Tuesday 19 March 2019

'Four eyes'.

I was hoping I'd get through life without having to wear glasses.

For some reason, I cannot part with all my old bits of broken specs. I have boxes filled with assorted lenses, frames, and arms (are they called arms?).

Most have been broken by dogs; our dogs. Because I keep my specs on strings, they hang down in front of me, and are perfect for snagging themselves in dogs' paws.

Many have met their maker in the woods. Whilst mushrooming, and staring at the ground, I get myself caught on branches, and suddenly find I'm 'glassesless'.

Some have just been lost, and never found; but this is rare.

I only wear the wretched things for reading writing or drawing, so they dangle, unused, in front of me for most of my waking hours. I'm slightly annoyed that I need to wear them at all. I don't like them, and see them mostly as unnecessary accidents, waiting to happen.

The most recent accident was at the paws of young Billy. I think he bit them, pulled them off, and sadly I walked on them (outdoors in the dark). They have now joined the huge assortment of broken bits and pieces in my collection. 

However, I've replaced them with the above. My oldest said he thought they looked OK; I'm sure I'll get used to them, I was always more comfortable with half-moons! 


  1. You've got a very serious look about you. Hope they survive the young pup.
    Yours doing well to have only these. I have a pair for daily use, another for the computer and prescription sunglasses for outside..and I don't use glasses at all when reading.
    My constant cry is 'where did I leave my glasses'...usually on the top of my head

    1. My wife loses hers all the time. I always think of my eyesight as perfect, but when I try to read small print, I realise that it isn't. All part of growing older.

  2. They look very trendy. Paul wears his on strings too, Rick is always getting tangled up in them.

    1. Whenever I play with Billy, Lady M is constantly shouting "GLASSES, GLASSES, GLASSES".

  3. When the archaeologists in future centuries are sifting through the rubble of your home and vicinity, someone will write a thesis on the community of specs wearers they will believe lived there, so you should bury some other enticing "clues" in the woods and your garden to suggest you are in fact a whole clan of scribes or somesuch!

    These look good. I don't lose my specs but I have sat on a pair and Mr P glued them together at the snapped bridge & they're now my telly watching glasses. A tad wonky but they're not for "good" now. A better result, however, than Ye Olde Trusty Bandaid.

    1. We were recently about to bury a whole load of small coins (brown shrapnel), but instead Lady M gave it to our lovely 12 year old (?) neighbour who was visiting Billy. I later heard that it had amounted to over €13. That's about a month's worth of sweets!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Lucky visitor!! Nothing to be done but start the collection again. Are you planning for this to be a future Haddocks Hoard?

  4. I can read perfectly without glasses. But I can't see far so I wear contact lenses. They let me read and see far at the same time. But I never wear them in the house preferring my own eyes and I wear glasses to watch tv.

    1. It's having to take them on and off all the time that annoys me. If I had some permanent contact lenses, I'd be much happier.

  5. It comes to pretty much all of us I’m afraid..... the annoying ‘ old age ‘ !!! I’ve got a pair of vintage John Lennon frames ...... I like the round shape ...... your new ones suit you Cro. XXXX

    1. I bought two pairs, so I hope they don't look too silly. I'm not convinced.

    2. They are very trendy ..... wear them with pride and confidence. They really suit you. XXXX

    3. I shall follow your wise advice.

  6. I've worn glasses all my waking hours for as long as I can remember. They are such a part of me that I even walk into the shower with them on sometimes and I've certainly gone swimming with them on (accidentally). I don't need long distance glasses to drive legally but I have varifocals which do improve my long distance sight marginally. I have never lost or broken a pair of glasses although I have scratched the occasional lens (ie they have saved my eyes occasionally). I get really peed off with people who complain that they can't see to do this or that because they can't find their glasses. Just wear them! Sorry for the rant but I've just had a friend say that she had driven somewhere (she needs them to drive legally) without spectacles because - yet again - she couldn't find them. She told me with an innocent and colossally stupid statement that it was okay because she hadn't actually needed them for anything whilst she was driving on that journey. (In other words she knew the way and nothing stepped out in front of her). I despair. Particularly as in every other way she is a very intelligent lady.

    1. I have no problem driving, as I'm long-sighted. It's just the close-up reading etc which is dodgy.

      I was listening to a radio debate last night about the legality of using Bluetooth Speaker-phones in cars; many thought they should be banned, along with ordinary phones. Personally I can't see any difference to my holding a conversation with Lady Magnon whilst driving.

    2. I'm inclined to agree with you on that one, Cro. I do answer my phone using handsfree provided I'm not negotiating traffic.

    3. I don't see why that woman doesn't just have a pair of glasses that live in the car.

    4. Nor do I Rachel. She does have a pair for keeping in the car. She just keeps removing them. It's totally beyond me.

    5. Even I have a spare pair in the car!

  7. They are rather fetching. You look quite venerable in those. I had cataract surgery a couple of years ago and my vision was near perfect afterwards, although I do need glasses for driving. I still use a magnifying glass to read the small print on labels though

    1. I also use a magnifying glass for very small print. More the printers' fault than mine, I think.

  8. We're midst having our Satellite dish and LNB changed; what a bloody palava!

    1. Hope it all works. Unusual to have to have the whole lot changed.

  9. My son always wears his pushed up on to his hait when he doesn't need them - then spends hours looking where he has left them.

    1. The options are endless; also the excuses.

  10. I think you look dashing as my mother would say. I too have to wear them for reading and computer use. Lucky me, I have progressive lenses so the expense of replacing them forces me to be keep up with them!

    1. I've only just got up, and having to put mine on again, after a night without, is very annoying.

  11. I didn't need glasses until I got older... and then just for reading. But now after having cataract surgery, I can actually read without. But although corrected for close vision, I find that my far vision isn't as good. So I wear the Progressive type...so I never have to take them off (except for sleeping and sometimes I forget even then). Personally I like glasses on people. Makes them look studious.

    1. My distant eye sight is just about perfect, which is why I am so annoyed about the close-up. I would have preferred not have glasses at all.

  12. The look is very distinguished!
    I'm the same as you, long sighted..but mine live in a box in my pocket or bag..along with a pen for drawing and a stylus for touch screens, a lens cloth...etc etc!!

    1. If I'd done the same, I'd still have my very first pair. Unfortunately I don't always have a pocket, so a piece of string is essential; hence the accidents.
