Wednesday 20 March 2019

Billy progress.

Silly Billy is now 3 months old, and is a very difficult pup to photograph.

Since joining us aged 8 weeks, he has already begun to show his true character; especially when it comes to his appetite. He arrived weighing just 1 kg 970 gms, and now weighs in at 4 kg 600.

Last week he visited the Vet' for a jab, and was given a good overall examination. He was pronounced just about perfect.

I'm sure someone must have spilt Rocket Fuel into his Puppy Food, as his energy level is unbelievable. He hardly ever walks, instead he leaps everywhere; not unlike a baby Lamb. Then on our short walks he imitates Usain Bolt. I've already started to acclimatise him to walking him on a lead, and he's accepted it very well.

He is already learning the difference between indoors and outdoors; one being for eating and sleeping, and the other for peeing and pooing. There is still the occasional mishap, but he's getting there.

He has mastered 'Sit', and we're working on 'Basket' (as in 'go to your basket at once'). 'Come by', 'Away', and 'Stay', will be next.

All in all, he's looking pretty good. He's a very amusing little boy. He's still biting everything in sight (mostly hands), and has a penchant for eating shoes. Originally he slept in a tall cardboard box; from which he couldn't escape at night, but he's now moved on to Monty/Bok's oversized chew-proof bed in the kitchen, and feels very grown-up.

His walks are still quite short; roughly 300/400 metres, three times a day. As we are in Processionary Caterpillar season, we stick to nearby routes where, hopefully, none is around. I'll introduce him to the woods later.

He's a very cute little guy with his spotted pink nose and comical ways. I think we'll keep him!

He's much better looking than in the photo.


  1. Oh, I love this progress report! That weight gain sounds amazing given his high energy. Hmm, "basket" = "at once!" sounds like he's a cheeky monkey.

    1. He seems to grow every day. I'm sure we're giving him the right food!

  2. I love everything about him. The white on his tail and pink nose are adorable. He is handsome little gud dug !
    iwinston and agatha tallulah send woofs !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. He's a very funny little boy; very happy to meet with other, bigger, dogs too.

  3. What an adorable nose, thanks for the progress report.

  4. He's a handsome chap. Lots of fun to come, thinks I! 😀

    1. He's such a funny little guy, I'm sure that'll continue.

  5. I am glad he is better looking than the photo. He looks like he needs his body to catch up with his head. Good to hear he is growing fast and obeying some orders.

    1. Yes, the photo is a bit odd. In fact he has very long legs, and a normal sized head. I don't know how the picture makes it look the opposite.

  6. Replies
    1. We're just back from today's walk No 1. He's full of the joys of spring; even in today's Zero C temperature.

  7. Glad it is all going well. He still looks very much a puppy and quite adorable.

  8. Replies
    1. I've just been looking at him, and can't understand how the picture I took yesterday looks so strange.

  9. A very loveable pup. It's good to get a progress report. Makes him even more loveable!

    1. Yes, he's a lovely boy. Never a dull moment.

  10. He looks and sounds adorable....lucky you to have him and vice versa! He is nearly the same weight as my Yorkie .

    1. He's heavy but slim; it must all be muscle.

  11. I feel that Kimbo did the best thing when he bought you Billy ........ obviously a new dog never replaces the ones lost but it’s the best way to move forward isn’t it ? You can now make some lovely memories with your new best friend. XXXX

    1. You're right of course. I don't think we could have stayed dogless. Not our style.

  12. What a cute little nose! (Very thankful we don't seem to have those caterpillars in this part of the world, they are a menace.)

    1. I haven't seen any myself, but I've heard that they're around. They really are nasty.

  13. He really is a cutie. Better you than me; I have the impression he's a handful. I'm off to look up the caterpillars.

    1. Our Lab' Monty was a victim of the caterpillars. Nasty beasts.

  14. Thanks for the update. He is very cute and the red collar suits him.

    1. I must say, the picture is awful. I tried and tried.

  15. It must be very satisfying to see him grow and develop and to train him.

    1. It's such fun. He really is keeping us on our toes.

  16. They move too fast
    I bet your heart has lightened so much

    1. It's 5.30 am and I've just been clearing-up some poo in the kitchen, but I really don't mind. He's lovely.

  17. Life returns to normal after holidays and I am skim reading blogs unread for two weeks. It's nice to hear about Billy.
