Thursday 4 October 2018

Closing down for winter.

It seems that most of our friends who have private pools have experienced problems this year. The weather has encouraged algae and cloudiness, and both have been difficult to remove.

We've tried almost everything to clear the water; Ph Plus, anti-Algae, Floculant, Lady M's prayers, and various other methods that came recommended. It didn't stop us swimming, but the water was permanently slightly opaque..

With the strange mix of chemicals, eventually our pale blue liner began to turn 'brownish' beneath the water line, and we started to panic.

Luckily, I have an excellent solution for this discolouration; Vitamin C. Yes, Vitamin C.

I poured about a kilo of Vit' C powder into the path of the water jets, and in no time the colour changed back to a sparkling blue. Almost a miracle.

My today's job is/was to close down for winter. Our last swim was made in water of 23 C, and I can't see it rising. It's been a great swimming year, but it's now time to say goodbye until about June 2019.

You cannot imagine how I hate looking out on this!


  1. 23 degrees is getting down there. Our pool is heated to 27 and that is cool enough for me. Who would have thought that Vitamin C could do the trick. Perhaps your pool was suffering from scurvy.

  2. Next year plant orange trees all around the pool. Might save you a few steps. I feel a bit sad seeing your pool "put to sleep" myself.

  3. Finally The End. Our sun has come out and we're slowly drying out . Swimming weather is definitely finished here too. Kalo himona. Good winter

    1. Cool mornings and warm afternoons here; no good for swimming.

  4. Our plastic pool is down to 18 deg so definitely out of bounds but we are keeping it inflated for now. Nothing says here comes winter more than closing the pool which I agree makes an awful view. Here’s to next year and vit C.

    1. Closing down heralds winter; and I don't like winter.

  5. With sparkly clean, clear water, sun loungers, table, parasol, chairs plus a jug and glasses the view is terrific. A black/blue pool cover does look a bit depressing.

    1. Yes, it's horrible, we don't even go there now; other than to sweep leaves etc.

  6. I'm sorry to see that even the colour disappears from your house walls too.
    Meanwhile (with the emphasis on the 'mean' here it is spring.

    1. Everything turns to black and white when the pool closes. It happens every year.

    2. Ha ha ha. Love this idea.

  7. I think it is best to think of it as summer is over and it is now Autumn, instead of thinking in terms of "closing down for winter". That is a bit dramatic in my view.

    1. That's how it feels. I'm quite looking forward to Chr**tmas; but after that I'm hibernating.

  8. You should cover the pool with some fluorescent green fake turf, that would brighten things up.

    1. Cyril Lawn? It's an idea, but we'd need a solid cover for it to sit on.

  9. I've helped open up and close down friends' pool in France> Oh that it would have been like New Zealand. We never closed the pool down there and could swim all the year round.It was heated in winter by solar roof panels through which the water was pumped.

    1. With me it's more the general temperature when one gets out after a swim, that counts the most. I like good hot sunshine after a swim.

  10. Your pool area is beautiful and I would be sorry to see it closed up too. Till next year.

    1. Yes; a whole 8 months till we open up again. It seems a long time.

  11. I don't have a pool but I have the same feeling when I put my gardens to bed. Losing my flowers and my beautiful view, makes me very sad. I put in a smaller fall garden, but it is not the same.

    1. It's a major pointer in the year for us; a bit like Christmas or new year.

  12. I never close down the pool or cover it. I usually keep swimming to the end of October. I live in a desert and because of that love seeing the water even in our 2 months of winter.
    Your view of the pool and little house is so beautiful I would be sad to lose that view.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. I have two neighbours who keep their pools open and running all winter. I can't see the point here, as it's far too cold to swim, and it costs money to keep the pump going.

  13. Quite sad Cfo but we are all closing down for winter and just remind yourself that it will soon pass. I have been in my bungalow a year later this month - it has gone so quickly.

    1. Gosh, it seems like just a few months since you moved. I'm very pleased to hear that you like it. You obviously made the right decision.

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