Wednesday 3 October 2018

Carry on Juncker.


Darling of the cocktail bar, Jean-Claude Juncker, has once again made himself a laughing stock.

At a recent meeting in Freiburg (Germany), the self-important Juncker claimed that after Brexit, British planes will no longer be allowed to land on mainland European soil.

I hope he's told Lufthansa, Air France, Air Europa, TAP, etc, that they'll no longer be allowed to fly to the UK. They may not be happy!

He's also recommended that Brussels would impose a four day quarantine for pets; both arriving and leaving mainland Europe.

Has he not heard that great British expression 'What's good for the Goose, is good for the Gander'? Be very careful what you wish for Mr Juncker!

Meanwhile in Germany (where he made these profound statements) the ever-growing neo-Nazi group 'Revolution Chemnitz' has been rioting, attacking immigrants, and threatening to kill politicians and civil servants. Sadly this is not exclusive to Germany; although they have more experience of such behaviour than most European countries.

That, Jean-Claude, is the reality of what your wonderful European policies have given birth to, and they have nothing to do with either British tourism or family pets.

I wonder if dear Juncker ever discusses his more bizarre ideas with fellow Brussels Bureaucrats; I imagine NOT.

It's hard to believe that clowns such as Juncker are running the EU. It's no wonder that Theresa May has such trouble dealing with them.

Yes, ha ha ha; you may laugh Mr Juncker. But I'm afraid the joke is YOU.


  1. Tickets continue to be sold and holiday brochures are out for 2019. No mention of not flying to European cities. Business works without governments, economics takes over.

    1. I think he makes-up these things as he goes along. When someone tells him what an idiot he is, the proposed policies are soon forgotten.

  2. It's all a bit of a circus at the moment.

  3. The Chunnel would be packed out 24/7 if Juncker's words were to come true.

    1. They'll have to build a second one, just to cope!

    2. It has also been said that the tunnel will close. I wrote about it, and the planes, a few weeks ago.

    3. It's difficult knowing who is restricting movement of whom. I thought Juncker wanted freedom of movement; it appears not.

  4. I'm not sure why we are laughing. We are paying his bar bills!

  5. Being away for years.. it all escapes me..I am not sure I would be for or against..

    Jo in Auckland.

    1. We both voted to stay; but now I just wish they'd get on with it, and leave.

  6. Tossers like him is why Britain voted yes. Every time I hear his name, I think, perhaps appropriately, of junk.

    1. People don't much like Nigel Farage, but he was one of very few who really told Juncker what he thought of him. And he was right.

  7. Dear Vince Cable and Nick Clegg tell us that we will miss the leadership of the EU when we are out. We certainly will miss them, but in a nice way.

  8. Sometimes I am pleased thatI am old and I cannot see into the future.

    1. I have faith in the future; it's just the 'bemoaners' who are trying to spread disquiet. I'm sure all will be well.
