Thursday 27 September 2018

The silly (conference) season.

It's political party conference season in the UK. The Lib Dims started off, holding their major bash in a caravan, in some car park (whereabouts unknown).

At the moment it's the turn of the Socialists in Liverpool, and next week the Tories hold their bash in Birmingham.

I never really take much notice of conference resolutions, as they tend to be spread like confetti for the sole benefit of journalists.

However, the Socialists seem desperate to frighten people, by putting out some of the most dangerously irresponsible proposals for years.

There were threats to lynch 'bankers and speculators', 'the elite', and 'the establishment'. There was talk of re-nationalising just about everything, and insistence that all 'anti trade union laws' should be scrapped. All companies with more than 250 employees will be made to give 10% of the company shares to the workers; and so it continued in this overtly Marxist fashion; even Arch-hypocrite Welby was praised for his Communist credentials, and some young female MP called for a general strike. Clenched fists were everywhere; even from the Islington Champagne Socialists.

Now we await the Tory conference, and the mish-mash that is known as 'Brexit'. There will be fighting, back stabbing, and a possible coup or two. May will attempt to convince the blue rinse brigade of her successes against unemployment, her highest ever financial support for the NHS, and how nasty the Brussels bunch are. There will be cheering to equal that for Corbyn in Liverpool. No doubt they will also sing 'Jerusalem' (which, of course, Corbyn would totally ban).

Bored with it all? So am I.


  1. Comrades, brothers and sisters, she called out to them, "we must call a General Strike" amid cheers and applause and whistles. Ex teacher. MP. Teacher, yes, I repeat. She was once in the classroom. Trade Unionist. Embarrassed her gov'nors. Keep her quiet. She is young. She is dangerous. She is an MP. We will bear the fruits of Communism.

    1. I was a tad surprised that no-one had sanctioned her speech. If she thinks that a general strike is for the good of the nation, and/or her Socialist supporters, then Corbyn should have a little word in her ear.

  2. The never ending swings between right and left make me nauseous too.

    1. Everyone's fed-up with the whole bunch of them.

  3. I am not bored with it at all, and very interested. I am not sure if it is Royal Commission or not, but the enquiry into our financial institutions has turned up very disgraceful excesses of rampant capitalism. Bankers need to be lynched and property speculators need to be reigned in. I have been a staunch unionist for my working life. My union's efforts is the only reason I can retire with an adequate income after working a blue collar job for 40 years. Perhaps the term is now a 'high viz' job. It seems to me that May is very temporary.

    1. May is a very astute politician, but she has allowed Brussels to walk all over her. She has now realised that they are a bunch of bullies, and is taking the tough stance that we all wanted her to take from Day 1. It now remains to be seen if she follows through.

  4. My words for the first three letters of the alphabet at the moment:
    Abominable. Brexit. Conference.
    I just switch off the television news.
