Friday 28 September 2018

Late September Lunch.

Like most people (I suspect), I buy things, put them away, and forget about them.

I've just rediscovered this small oval plate (above left), covered in dust, at the back of a cupboard. I imagine I'd bought it at some local boot sale many years ago.

It pleases me on two counts; it's oval (I particularly like oval plates), and it sports that decorative edging style known as 'Moustiers'; as indeed does the soup bowl.

We've now returned to our autumn/winter lunches of soup, but with just a hint of salad to accompany. The mid-day weather is still warm, and we are still swimming daily, but signs of approaching autumn are everywhere. We've had our annual delivery of Oak logs, and Lady M has already booked her pre-Christmas (sorry about that) shopping trip to London.

Brexit may be getting on everyone's nerves, but I found some respite in rediscovering the little oval plate; even Lady M remarked about how nice it is. 

Just perfect for a small egg and tomato salad.

p.s. As you might imagine; very little happens here.


  1. Good morning again Cro. I blog late, you blog early and so we meet up. Love those white plates and the design in them. I used to collect antique Redware plates but then in this small abode, I never use them. I think I shall unpack them and use them tomorrow !

    1. I love using my 'special' stuff (not that these are special). Much better than keeping them locked away in a cupboard.

  2. You've reminded me too of some big soup mugs I must use more often. It's soup weather here today. A pleasing dish makes the meal tastier somehow

    1. We've returned to mid-day soups for a couple of weeks; not that it's particularly cold.

  3. Both dishes look tasty - wouldn't have thought of pairing the two. The eggs look as though the mayonnaise came from a tube or perhaps you have some special kitchen gadget.

    1. Yes; bought Mayo.... can't be bothered to make small amounts.

  4. I've just been packing my 'best' china away. I feel guilty that it is rarely used but unfortunately it's not dishwasher friendly!

    1. I like to use all sorts of antique and other china etc. If it gets broken; so be it.

  5. Those are beautiful plates indeed.

  6. I like the dishes. I like your green plates, not shown today, but have never seen similar ones in England.

    1. The green plates I had made for us in Provence, at Biot. We don't use them that often.

  7. Chloe? What brought that on?
    The soup looks great Cro. It's still cold enough here for soup, in fact I'm making pumpkin soup for tomorrow.

    1. She's having a bad day! She thinks she knows more about everything, than anyone else. Sadly she's delusioned.

  8. Tuscan bean soup for lunch here. I am still having to water the pots outside, it has turned cold but still dry. Not a lot happens here either, thankfully.

    1. I had to water my vegs this morning; no rain here for months (?).

  9. With the world the way it is I think not a lot happening where one is is a gift!

    1. It's partly why I live here. Peace and quiet.

  10. I always find it rather re-assuring when not very much happens. Life is safer that way.

    1. Like us, you have your beautiful view to look out on....that's enough excitement.

  11. Agree about soup weather arriving. I have bought the wherewithal to make just that for visitor tomorrow. I intend to make a hearty 'farmhouse soup' - if it turns out alright I will show you what it looks like!

    1. I call mine 'compost soup', but probably much the same. Leeks, pots, etc.
