Thursday 30 August 2018

The end is nigh.

Looking at the long term weather forecast, I see that the days of 30+ temps are now over.

It'll be September by the weekend, and although it heralds Autumn, it's always been one of my favourite months (along with June).

September brings Mushrooms, Chestnuts and Chasse; it is usually a reasonably warm, calm, month. An intermediate month between the heat of Summer, and the oncoming cold of Winter, when the angst of high Summer is replaced by the relaxation of intermediacy.

We shall have plenty more days between 25 C and 30 C, but any swimming will probably be accompanied by a small shudder.

No long trousers for a while yet, but we will certainly be checking on the whereabouts of our wellies, scarves, and gloves. No fires yet either, but suppliers of wood will be reminded that our stocks need replenishing.

I can almost smell the aroma of Bourguignon, Ragoƻt, and Tagines. Change is definitely in the air.


  1. I do like autumn. - Spring and autumn are my favourite seasons.

    1. It's just the -0 C temps of winter that I really don't like.

    2. Rarely gets that low here and this winter has been very mild.

  2. Yesterday might be our last 30 C for a while. Thunder later today and rain over the weekend. Next week we're in mid-20s.

    1. Sounds like here, but no rain on our horizon. We need a really good downpour to bring up the mushrooms.

    2. Don't want to alarm you but I've just read that there have been 47 deaths from 400 recorded cases of West Nile Virus carried by mosquitoes in Southern Europe so far this summer. Most victims in Balkans, Greece, Italy but also some in South of France. Be careful out there!

    3. Surprisingly, I was just saying this morning that we've had no Mosquitoes so far this year. I hope that continues.

  3. Mmmm, Lovely. Your toes look very happy.

    1. They're not looking forward to being stuffed inside socks again.

  4. I'm a bit envious; we're getting some late season heat waves right now and it's been dangerously hot outside again. On the plus side, my friend's pool is remaining open as long as the heat lasts!

    1. I'm hoping we can keep the pool open for a while yet; I don't mind it 'cool', as long as the sun is shining.

  5. Autumn is my favourite season. I can already feel the nip in the air in the mornings. Time to make the Christmas pud and go for long (hopefully) dry crisp walks. Even though I am vegan I really enjoy making Julia Childs' Bourguinon for visitors.

    1. We've got an M & S 'Luxury Pud' in reserve from last year, but I quite expect Lady M will be making mountains of Mincemeat before too long. I hope so any way!

  6. Fingers crossed for a hot September....for you

    1. My fingers are crossed too. But we would like a good downpour as well, for the mushrooms.

  7. With temperatures hovering around 100 F, I am looking forward to a change in the weather. Between constant storms and heat, It has been a brutal summer for us.

    1. It's been hot here, but nothing too scary. Lovely today!

  8. Sept. is a great month to be at the cabin. The lake is quiet and you feel like you are the only one there. Going for an early morning paddle is one of the nicest things.

  9. baked our first lasagna yesterday - admittedly a bit premature - and the switch from white to red has been achieved. This summer has been too hot in the Pacific Northwest, so we welcome the cooler weather. Everyone is prepping their gardens for winter, too.

    1. It won't be long before we start thinking of hunkering down for winter. In the meanwhile we're enjoying the sunshine. No Lasagna yet here.

  10. It seems like no time at all since we were light all through the night. Yesterday it was dull and by 2130 I had drawn the blinds. Oh dear. The end is definitely nigh.

    1. I can remember looking forward to Spring! It all seems to have passed by so quickly this year.

  11. Ah yes Cro. Couldn't agree more. Yesterday I made my first lentil and red onion soup - delicious it was too.

    1. Traditionally we always have soup at lunchtime all through winter, but we're still on salads for the time being.

  12. Just round the corner! I wore a cardy this morning, ok, maybe just for an hour while I potted downto the hens, but I am reminded to dig out my jeans.

    1. Yesterday morning it was 9 C when I took Bok for his early walk. I too wore a jumper. Haha, I have just put my 2 pairs of jeans in the laundry basket for their pre-wearing wash. It won't be long.
