Friday 31 August 2018


I keep saying to myself that we don't eat enough fish.

The silly thing is that I really like fish, but find myself ignoring it in preference for meat.

Rachel (in Lisbon) reminded me of the delights of the simple grilled Sardine, so when next at market I bought a few.

Needless to say, they were absolutely bloody delicious! 

I really must make a point of buying fresh fish at least once a week. 

I love Mackerel too.


  1. Fish here tonight. Fresh fillets of schnapper. Delicious. I am not so keen on the ones with all the little bones.

    1. The little bones usually stay behind. Bok later ate the heads!

    2. Fish here usually twice a week - local "white" fish fillets one day and South Island salmon the other.

  2. Any sea or freshwater food with Heads (especially Eyes), Skin, Bones, Guts, Shell & Whiskers is not on my shopping list.

    1. Sardines are normally eaten with your fingers. If there was no head or tail, there'd be nothing to hold them by!

  3. You did well there. Eaten like a pro. Very artistic remains!

    1. I'm a very experienced Sardine eater; I did miss the Lemon, but they were still good.

  4. I used to go out in a 16 foot clinker for mackerel years ago. My favourite is trout which I also caught in the local lochs. The problem is that I can catch, kill, gut and cook fish but, if I do all that, then I can't eat them. Strange but true.

    1. I once had a Hare offered by our dog. I prepared it, stuck it in the freezer, then ate it about a month later. That way the two events became separated.

  5. We eat fish at last once a week for a main meal, and kippers occasionally for breakfast, when I need to decapitate my wifes, she can't bear the thought of her breakfast looking at her.

    I remember eating sardines in Portamao, Portugal, fresh from the boats, grilled at one of the many cafes along the harbour-side.

    1. I think I shall make a point of buying fish every Friday. It's a good tradition (regardless of the religious side). Sardines from a beach-side restaurant are the best!

  6. They were cooked whole, not gutted. I do them the same at home, on the BBQ. I buy them when available from the fish stalls in Norwich. Yours look just right in the picture.

    1. I always gut mine, but I know that most don't. They are simply so good, that it's silly not to eat them. They're cheap too!

  7. It's so easy to influence me, I know that next week I'll go looking for fish in the nearest little town.

    1. Treat yourself to a few cheap Sardines. They are delicious.

  8. We LOVE fish and eat it about four times a week ...... skate is out favourite at the moment although it is now ray wings but tastes exactly the same!! I buy fresh prawns ( they are cheaper than ready cooked and far better ) salmon, sea bass ... all sorts .... we still have a local wet fish shop and, although I mostly shop on Waitrose, Tesco have the best wet fish counter .... it has won awards apparently. XXXX

    1. I'm going to make a point of eating fish every Friday. The fish counter at my favourite supermarket (leclerc) is excellent; I should use it more.

  9. I have never seen fresh sardines downunder. I think we don't grow them...

    1. ...which is a pity, because having read your post, now I want to eat them.

    2. I thought they grew just about everywhere. There's probably an equivalent.

  10. Today I read about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for longevity for old people. It is never too late to start a Mediterranean diet, which includes lots of seafood.

    1. It's pretty much our usual diet, other than the quantity of fresh fish. We do eat plenty of frozen and tinned, but I suppose that doesn't count.

  11. I do like fish, but don’t like preparing it or having my house smell fishy. When eating out, though, I order fish.

    1. I suspect you're not alone; that smell of fish throughout the house isn't pleasant.

  12. Your simple grilled Sardine dish reminded me of eating Sprats growing up, very tiny but so delicious. Living not far from the sea lots of fresh fish available. Still eat lots of fish but mostly frozen as I now live in a land locked area.

    1. Aren't they the same thing? Sprats and Sardines? They certainly taste the same!

  13. Not keen on sardines but love whitebait and fresh tuna!

    1. Well cooked fresh Tuna, is like eating Steak.

    2. I prefer fish to meat Cro and have it much more often but I cannot bear to cook it with the head on and a accusing eye looking at me. It is rather like in Bergen (and also in Istanbul) where one is invited to stand in front of a tank of live fish and choose which one you wish to eat.
      That is like commiting murder.

    3. I tend to buy fresh fish whole; heads and all. Otherwise I feel that I'm paying for someone else to do what I can easily do myself.
