Friday 4 May 2018

What a Mug!

Does this mug offend you? 

Other than the obvious fact that some silly girl has taken her clothes off for money; it doesn't offend me in the slightest.

Yet two volunteer RNLI Whitby Lifeboat Men have been sacked for using them (they were given as 'amusing' Secret Santa presents), and 4 (maybe even more) of their colleagues have also now resigned in protest.

It seems that their frightfully PC female boss was frightfully upset at seeing the frightfully erotic pictures on the mugs, and, having revived herself with smelling salts, sacked the evil bastards for their unacceptably sexist attitudes.

I'm sick to death with all this bloody nonsense. In my book it's the female boss who should have been sacked; not these guys who've served for 15 years as lifeboat men, risking their lives to save others!

Given them a medal; not THE BLOODY SACK.


  1. Good grief!! The pendulum must surely have swung far enough with political correctness these days. Offence is seen everywhere that none is intended. And it seems that Sense of Humour is AWOL and punishments meted out for the slightest of so-called misdemeanours. Time for a return to something more balanced in our world.

    How in the world will they replace 6 volunteers? They're as rare as hen's teeth. The old business adage that each lost customer is worth 7 new ones applies in this sphere as well.

    1. This whole PC business has really got out of hand. In this case I quite expect the woman who sacked them is a 'Paid Employee', whereas the others were all volunteers. I am waiting to hear that the situation has been corrected!

  2. No, it doesn't offend me but there is something strange about it; the head on that body doesn't look right.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. The head is that of the person to whom it was given, superimposed on the girl's body. It was intended to be FUNNY. Some didn't see the humorous side of it.

  3. Couldn't agree more, the world's gone mad (or madder). Yes, people seem to look for reasons to feel insulted where no insult is intended. I sometimes wonder if this is a sign of their inadequacy?

    My own coffee mug (a present from my wife by the Guinness merchandise) has 2 pictures of toucans posed with pints of Guinness. I hope this doesn't offend the lager drinkers?

    1. It's hard to imagine what her motive was; but whatever it was she should rethink.

      I can't match your delightful Toucans; my mug is plain.

  4. There will be those who will pay lip service to agreeing with you here and that is all it will be. The rot of the the self righteous left is everywhere and they are to be pitied.

    1. I don't really care what people's attitudes are based on, as long as they see this nonsense for what it is.

    2. There is a lot hypocrisy amongst bloggers believe me.

  5. What got me about the story was her total overreaction. OK, if it really did offend her (although it's hard to see why....she made some excuse about them harming visiting schoolchildren - oh please, I'm sure they see much worse on their iPads), why didn't she just ask them to hide the mugs, or take them home? Why go to the extreme of sacking them? As you say, PC/nanny state/'MeToo' stuff has just gone mad nowadays. People are more or less afraid to breathe in case they offend someone.

    1. A simple suggestion of 'would you mind using them at home' would have been all it needed. Overreaction of the worst type; these were good people.

  6. I hope the boss is a laughing stock in the community and has to resign herself. Now you've explained about the 'head' it makes the mug rather amusing . Can't get my head around the 'offensive' bit at all

  7. I have to say that I find her reaction quite inexplicable. If it had been a female's head on a male body with his hands across his nether regions would that have been offensive? I was brought up with a very strong mother and grandmother who brooked no sexist nonsense even when I was a child. I'm sure they would have both just looked at it and rolled their eyes rather than taken offence.

    1. Most people wouldn't give it a second glance.

  8. How ridiculous of the female boss! The mug shouldn't offend anyone - there's no nudity, the body is mainly covered. You would see more flesh revealed by the general population on a night out on the town I would think. (Conicidentally we're off to Whitby for the weekend).

    1. I just hope she never goes down to Whitby beach in the Summer!!!

  9. Whilst the mug is not to my liking I see nothing offensive about it and cannot believe people were sacked for using it. I hope the matter is being taken further and that they are reinstated. Where would we be without the bravery of these volunteers who risk their lives to save others?

    1. And how much better off we'd all be without silly people who over-react to trifles.

  10. I'm sure this woman is of much greater value to the drowning person than these brave lifeboat men. If common sense prevails, these men will be reinstated and she will be sacked.
    But enough of the 'silly girl'. She might have stripped to get money to help pay her Uni fees. It's a tough world out there.

    1. I hope you're right about the men; they MUST be reinstated. As for the 'silly girl', I didn't take my clothes off to pay my way through college! It's a choice, and not one that gives dignity to women.

  11. I just went to sign the petition but it has been taken down because it is a live dispute. If it really is all about the mug, they will be re-instated.

    1. I'm sure that after all the outrage it's caused, they'll be back at work very soon!

  12. The march of the PC Brigade defies logic!

    1. They should all be rounded up, and dumped together on an isolated island.

  13. It's no joke in the North Sea in winter. Lifeboatmen getting the sacked is the last thing we need. Whitby's most famous son must be turning over in his grave. That incompetent woman should be made to walk the plank.

    1. Why didn't I think of that; 'the plank' it is.

  14. The men should have been talked to and told that the cup was inappropriate in the current work environment and to leave them at home. No biggy. They should never been fired unless there is more to this story, which could also be the case. I have been employed in jobs with mostly men all my working life and the majority were wonderful and dear friends, but some were pigs. If we complained, our jobs would be in jeopardy. I was also paid much less than them but had more education.

    This is neither left or right, conservative or liberal or PC. It is about respect for others and doing the right thing and not over reacting when there are easier ways to solve a dispute.

    1. I'm sure a little word in their ears would have been enough. It must be said, however, that in the UK this sort of crazy PC behaviour is exclusive to the left. It has become a banner, and the more extreme the better.

  15. Replies
    1. Yes, but will it get crazier, or become sane again? Only time will tell.

    2. It is progressing towards getting much much crazier.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. And this wretched mug isn't even offensive; just a bit childish!

    2. I agree... more of a 'roll your eyes' sort of thing than a firing offense.

  17. Agree with your view entirely Cro and I would guess most people do.

    1. I hope so Weave, and I hope that something is done about both the men, and her.

  18. I'd ban the mugs because they are ugly. If you are going have a nude on a mug, at least make it a nice one. I suggest the boss is not leadership material if she is sacking volunteers and others are resigning in protest.

    1. I certainly wouldn't use a mug like that; it's horrible. Maybe she should have brought in the Aesthetics Police.

  19. For heavens sake - just tell them to take them home - hardly a firing offence! I come from a generation of women who had to endure real sexual harassment and discrimination and I fully support laws that do away with this but honestly - taking great offence at a silly little thing like this just trivializes true, serious offences! What a farce!

    1. I agree with you totally. Personally I am more offended by the fact that some girl should take her clothes off for money, than I am for someone using the result.

  20. Oh for goodness sakes!Just blokes having fun and they deserve to!

  21. I'm just sick of the pc brigade. What's wrong with people now. Common sense has gone out the window. As a working girl I was wolf whistled, had my bum pinched, was told dirty jokes and was propositioned. If it was taken too far I was more than capable of a swift put down, I didn't go running to tell tales. The world's gone mad. I'd be happy to be noticed at all now not a faceless senior in a flurry of snowflakes.
    I hope these brave men are swiftly reinstated and the silly woman sacked instead.
