Thursday 3 May 2018

Be oh so careful what you wish for!

Amber Rudd (Mrs A A Gill) has been hounded out of office over her department's illegal-immigrant policy, and the UK now has a new Home Secretary in the form of Sajid Javid. Sajid is already receiving racist jibes from the Socialists; they've been referring to him as a 'coconut' or 'Uncle Tom'. They really are charming.

There is no question that Ms Rudd was an efficient and hardworking minister. Unfortunately she made a few silly mistakes over her department's policy. I really don't think she should have resigned over it; but who could blame her. When Socialist (or Russian) knives are out.....

It should not be forgotten, however, that Corbyn's alternative to a Conservative Home Secretary is the charming Ms Abbott, who, as usual, doesn't seem to have an effing clue about anything. Here she is describing the alternative Socialist illegal-immigrant policy.

What a frightening prospect; this is no longer a joke. Heaven bloody help us!


  1. Welcome to UK in the 21st century.

    1. I do hope not. I'm just back from a long dog-walk, and I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of a Corbyn/Abbott/McDonell/Watson Cabinet. The prospect fills me with DREAD.

  2. I hadn't realised Amber Rudd was married to A.A. Gill.

    1. Yes, he was a lucky fella, and sadly she was an unlucky woman. He died too young.

  3. I knew that they were married and I think that she is every bit as attractive as 'The Blonde' although possibly in a different way...I miss reading his articles but he lived as he wished to. There is something about D Abbott that makes me furious.....perhaps the way she sounds has a lot to do with it.

    1. I really do try to be sympathetic to Ms Abbott; but every time I fail. What can Corbyn be thinking of, to make her shadow Home Secretary? I know they had a bit of Rumpy Pumpy together, but is that enough?

  4. Oh dear. That's ruined my day. I can't stand Piers Morgan. As for the delightful and charming (and apparently clueless) Diane Abbott......

  5. The House of Lords (UNELECTED including 100 LIBERAL peers, did you ever see 100 Liberals before?) is running neck and neck with Corbyn, Watson and McDonnell (Marxist) in my very sinking feeling at the moment. Diane Abbott is probably the least of our worries. She almost seems likeable in a funny sort of way.

    1. Most of us used to laugh at her, but it's too serious for that now. That woman could possibly hold the No 2 position of power, over the whole of the United Kingdom. It's simply crazy.

    2. She's not the only incompetent in high office, it's just that you are fundamentally opposed to her brand of incompetency. The House of Lords does a vital job. Can you imagine what sort of horrors Corbyn would pass through if it were not for the scrutiny of Conservative peers?

    3. The House of Lords has gone beyond its role of overseeing and tying up loose ends. It is taking over the running of the country.

    4. The role of Home Secretary incorporates 'internal affairs', immigration, citizenship, policing, national security, and the justice system (amongst other things). It is one of the highest, and most prestigious, political roles in the UK, and no matter what anyone says to me; that woman is not capable of holding the position!

    5. She may be Shadow Home Secretary but I don't think she will get the job when they are in power, which inevitably is going to come.

    6. Looking at her closely I don't think she's a well woman

    7. In which case she should be replaced. However, I don't agree with you; it's just how she is!

    8. She isn't. It is not the job of the House of Lords to speedily push through any legislation dreamed-up by any party. It is their job to scrutinise it. The current objection to the border control issue is an all-party one in the Lords.

  6. Rudd was not a likeable person and The Abbott does not seem to be either. I think Rachel is on the money. Shadow ministers don't always become ministers. Mind, what a disgrace is the Windrush saga. I am totally against illegal immigration, but these people are not. Question the wisdom of the factory fodder process at another time.

    1. Someone got it very wrong. Brits are Brits wherever they come from, and their citizenship should be respected. I can't imagine what they thought they were doing. It's the 'illegals' who should be kicked out; and there are plenty of them!

  7. Reading through the abovecomments should help you to understand exactly why, when I moved in here six months ago, I decided to metaphorically hide my head under the blanket and only come up for air.

    1. I had promised not to mention 'Politics' ever again; but certain things I find just too worrying.

  8. The only one I know and can comment on is Piers Morgan and he is not well thought of in the US. He is obnoxious and rude and I don’t even like the way he spells his name.

    1. He's generally not liked, he comes across as a pompous twit.
